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3. The Stone is a Machine

2. Jon wants to know more about t

1. You Are What You Wish

The Stone is a Machine

on 2009-08-12 16:48:46

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Jon opened his eyes and looked upon the first owner of the stone and was shocked. He thought it would be some sort of cave man or something. But instead it was a fairly modern-looking man, except for the odd silver-colored suit he was in. In fact, he almost looked like someone from the future.

"What's happening?" the man asked. "How did I get here?" He looked around Jon's bedroom, then asked "Where is here?"

"You're in my bedroom," Jon said.

"And who exactly are you?" the man asked.

"My name is Jon. I ..."

"Where did you get that?" the man asked, cutting him off. He pointed at the stone in Jon's hand.

"It's mine. My grandfather found it on one of his expeditions and he gave it to me." Then, after looking down at the man's hand, Jon asked "Where did you get yours?"

"I didn't get it. I made it," the man said.

"You made a magic stone?"

"Don't be so retroactive. Magic doesn't exist."

"You mean the stone is a machine?" Jon asked. He never considered the possibility. There was an old saying that Jon had just remembered. Something about advanced technology being indistinguishable from magic. The stone was probably the best example of that statement.

"Of course it is. The first of its kind. And the way I figure it, the last."

"What do you mean?"

"It's dangerous. With just one accidental wish, someone could erase this universe from existence. I'm thinking about making some limitations. You know, like giving it a range."

Jon couldn't believe it. He had actually captured the creator of the stone before he implemented the limitations.

He looked at the stone in the man's hand. If he could only switch his stone with the man's, Jon could have a wishing stone with no bounds. He could help Karyn with her breast and hair problem, without any worry about reversing wishes.

But how was he going to get this guy's stone and replace it with his own without the guy noticing?

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