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Toxic Clan Shake Down

avatar on 2022-12-05 17:08:11

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A guild purge was going to have to take place before we could do any scheming that was not in Cold Clan's best interest. Now that Toxic Clan knew what we were doing, they sent their 3 AEP units to negotiate a simple cease fire. That had to be a sign of them being scared. Nothing had happened this whole year in-game I was gone. After the instigators 10-001 and 05-001 died, they just assumed that everything was water under the bridge with us. Now, they were both confused as to why we had not let it go yet. It was pretty frustrating to hear that. However, they were willing to let us fuck them in order to bury the hatchet. They had motorcycle suits and they did not look too willing until they put on an enticing act to get us to fuck. They were Conquerors. Fucking us was beneath them, but their clan had determined that was easier than fighting us in the street. They had no choice but to obey the orders they were given. I walked over to them and said "Listen up. We don't care about you or your clan. You attacked us. Now we're attacking back. You can say sorry and give us compensation." I said.


This was not what they were expecting. "Why should we pay you anything? You are taking a small grudge and making it into a full-on war!" one of the males said. Paul shrugged and said. "You heard him. That's the only way that you guys get out of a heist and raid on your transmission hub." he said, backing me up. "What do you want?" the sole female of the group said. I crouched down behind the male that had not talked yet. "I want your organs now. I am the clan engineer. I took a year's break for my mental health, but I'm back now. Our AEP units need a lot of upgrades if they want to compete with you going forward." I said. They shot up to their feet in disgust and loathing towards us. "There is no way we are giving a dirty human our organs. They are ours!" the one I was looking at said. I crossed my arms. "Then you failed to get a cease fire. None of us want to fuck you. All we want are the toxic organs that you have in your body." I said. The male in front of me grunted in pain as the nozzles in his hands were pushed from his palms. There were 2 tanks of green toxic sludge attached.

Now that I had it in my hands, they looked really futuristic and cool. I could put them in the lab fabricators to duplicate them. I had a whole lot of things to give to my AEP units. I also saw that there were lots of upgrades that we needed to give them. I could give them limb blades, guns, and laser canons. I was also going to get 01 and 03. I wanted them to get upgraded as well. Their gym probably did not have the money to get a nice AEP lab. I wanted to commiserate with them after the death of 02. There was a lot of work to do. It was enough to get Toxic Clan to fuck off. We stuck to our word when I comes to things like this. That made our street cred rise among the PEP clan. Instead of going for Toxic Clan, we switched plans to go for Water Clan. It was not a bank heist, but we would take tons of humans hostage and steal their money. It also had the same idea of half going in there to smash and grab, and the other half would target the hub. Because we no longer needed to rely on the guild, there was no huge leak up the chain. This was not going to fail. However, we needed to rework the routes.

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