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33. Stop off

32. Dress up

31. Hot and heavy with Laura

30. Finishing school

29. Gym class

28. School morning

27. Waiting for Karyn

26. Bathroom break

25. More girly

24. Karyn in control: 3rd changes

23. Jon gets home

22. Bumping into Laura

21. More shopping

20. Bra shopping

19. Jon learns more

18. Bathroom break

17. Catching up with Karyn

16. Flirting in class

15. Late for school

14. Covering up

Stop off

on 2022-12-11 07:24:54

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It was still bright out so Jon decided to walk home. His mind was full of erotic memories of what he and Laura had just done and his body felt like it was glowing. He walked with confidence, proud of himself for satisfying Laura. About half way to his house Jon realised he wouod be passing by Pete's House. He pulled his phone out of his back pocket and texted Pete to see if he could stop in on his way home. Pete said sure so Jon made a slight detour.

Arriving at Pete's house Jon rang the doorbell and stood in wait. Pete's mom opened the door and greeted him, "Hey Jon. How are you? Pete is upstairs. You know where to go mind him." Jon thanked her and headed up the stairs. He found it funny that Pete's mom had no issue with them being alone together. If she saw him as the teenage girl he was starting to feel like he was sure it wouldn't be as simple.

Jon walked over to Pete's door and gently knocked. He heard Pete shout "Come in" so Jon opened the door and walked in. It seemed Pete had just gotten out of the shower as his hair was wet and he was only wearing a towel around his waist. Pete greeted Jon and invited him to sit on his bed. "I'm just out of the shower. Gimme a minute to get dressed." Jon stole a few glances at Pete as he pulled his boxer shorts on and went to find a t shirt. He was glad that he wasn't the least bit attracted to Pete but he was somewhat envious of Pete's male body. Jon saw the bulge in his underwear and could barely remember what it felt like to have a oenis and balls dangling between his legs. He crossed his legs tight and squeezed his legs together, further cementing the feeling of loss. Similarly when he saw Pete casually walking around topless he was reminded of his beasts and how he had to conceal them pretty much all the time now. They moved around the lot and were a bit of inconvenience but he thought with a smile about how Laura had caressed them and sucked on his nipples and he thought maybe it balanced out.

Pete had put on a t shirt and pair of sweatpants and now turned to Jon, giving him his full attention. "What's up dude? What brings you by?" Jon told him he went to Laura's house after school and he was walking home and wanted to ask Pete about any pre party plans for Friday. Pete ignored the question about Friday, focusing fully on Jon being in Laura's house.

" So Jon, you dirty dog. Did you get anywhere with Laura? She's so hot. I'd love piece of that ass." Jon just blushed and without giving too much away told Pete that he and Laura had done it. Pete pressed him for details but Jon didn't spill too much. "Besides, you wouldn't understand," he said to Pete, "you know it's different for me. Not having a dick and all. But let's just say we rocked each others worlds, over and over again."

Pete just whistled and said, "You're a lucky man Jon. You got to have sex with Laura and with that little pussy of yours you even got to orgasm multiple times. Sometimes I think I'd trade with you. My dick for your pussy. You can keep the tits though, they seem kinda awkward to have jiggling all over the place."
When Pete mentioned Jon's breasts he instinctively covered them with his arms. Not wanting to keep this particular topic going he changed the subject to Friday. Pete said a few of the guys were meeting up for a drink or two before the party and Jon was welcome to join them. Jon agreed and then said goodbye to Pete before finishing his walk home.

When he got home his mom had his dinner ready. He ate it quickly as he still had homework to do. He rushed through his homework and lay on his bed for a while and texted Laura. He didn't notice at the time but he was laying on his front with his legs bent behind him and his feet crossed at the ankle. It was a very girly way to lie but it came natural to him.

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