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6. GPT reaching Sabrina's

5. Chat GPT tells the next chapte

4. Talking it Out

3. She starts to chant

2. My best friend is a Witch and

1. The Drafting Board

Familiar Djinn: GPT at Sabrina's

avatar on 2022-12-13 12:31:14

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Age Body Swap FTP Herm MC Myth Part Swap SciFi Super Unaware

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The following were three responses. The second response took multiple retries before I was satisfied. But it's not bad. I'm probably going to rewrite these two chapters with more flavor, I just wanted to see if I could get GPT to continue this story.

As they finally arrived at Sabrina's apartment, Sabrina charged into her library excitedly, eager to do some research on djinn. James followed behind, equally eager for her to find out some answers.

Sabrina sat at her desk, flipping through dusty old books and scrolls, searching for information on djinn. James stood by her side, watching as she carefully studied each page.

"There's not much here," Sabrina said, frowning. "Most of these books are just legends and folklore about djinn. There's no real information about their powers and abilities."

James nodded, feeling frustrated. He didn't want to be stuck in this form and these powers without understanding them.

"What about this one?" he asked, pointing to a thick, ancient-looking book.

Sabrina opened the book and scanned the pages, her eyes lighting up. "This one looks promising," she said. "It's an ancient text about the history and origins of djinn. It might have some useful information."

She continued to read, her eyes scanning the pages quickly. James watched, hoping that they would finally find some answers.

After several hours of reading and studying, Sabrina finally closed the book with a sigh. "Well, we learned a few things," she said. "Djinn are powerful creatures that originated in the desert. They have the ability to take human form and blend in, but they are also bound to a physical object, like your tumbler."

James nodded, feeling a bit disappointed that they hadn't learned more. But at least he now had a bit of a background on djinn.

"We'll keep looking," Sabrina said, determined. "We'll find more information and figure out how to control your powers. We just have to keep searching."

James nodded, feeling a bit more hopeful. He knew that Sabrina would do everything she could to help him, and together, they would figure out how to control his powers and learn more about djinn.

As Sabrina sat at her desk, frustrated at the lack of useful information on djinn, she let out an offhand wish. "I wish we had more information on djinn."

James suddenly felt a strange sensation, as if something inside of him was welling up and urging him to grant Sabrina's wish. His djinn powers were surging, but he didn't know how to control them.

"Sabrina, I think I can grant your wish," he said, unsure of himself.

Sabrina looked at him with surprise and excitement. "Really? How?"

James didn't know how to explain it, but he felt a sudden, overwhelming urge to grant Sabrina's wish. His powers erupted out of him, unguided and unfocused.

Suddenly, the room was filled with books, papers, scrolls, DVD's, and cassettes about djinn from history, mythology, religion, and even pop culture. They were scattered around the room in a complete mess, and Sabrina and James were shocked and overwhelmed.

"Oh my god, James," Sabrina said, her eyes wide with amazement. "You did it! You granted my wish!"

James was both shocked and unhappy about the mess, but he was also excited about all the research material they had just obtained. "I don't know how I did it," he said. "But I'm glad I could help."

Sabrina nodded, her eyes scanning the room. "This is incredible, James. We have so much to learn from all of this. Let's get started!"

James nodded, feeling a bit more confident in his djinn powers. Together, he and Sabrina began to study and learn about djinn, determined to figure out how to control his powers and understand his new role as a djinn.

As Sabrina began to study the books and materials that James had brought into the room, she became more reserved and quiet. James, still cleaning up the mess, noticed her change in demeanor and approached her.

"Sabrina, what's wrong?" he asked. "Is something bothering you?"

Sabrina sighed, looking at the piles of books and scrolls around her. "Most of this stuff is in ancient Arabic, Greek, or Latin," she said. "I don't know how to read any of it."

James nodded, understanding her frustration. "Well, let's start sorting the English from the other languages," he suggested. "Maybe we can find some useful information that way."

Together, they began to sort through the piles of books and materials, separating the English from the other languages. As they worked, James realized that most of the English references were young adult novels, romance novels, comic books, or fairy tales.

"This isn't very useful," he said, feeling disappointed. "These books probably won't have any real information about djinn."

Sabrina nodded, her expression grim. "I know," she said. "I was hoping for more scholarly sources or historical texts. But I guess we'll just have to make do with what we have. We can still learn something from these books, even if they're not as reliable as we would like."

James nodded, feeling a bit discouraged. But he knew that Sabrina was right. They would have to make do with the resources they had, and hope that they could find some useful information.

"Let's keep looking," he said, determined. "We'll figure this out together."

Sabrina smiled, grateful for his support. Together, they continued to sort through the piles of books and materials, determined to learn all they could about djinn.

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