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35. Jon wakes up

34. Karyn in control: 4th change(s

33. Stop off

32. Dress up

31. Hot and heavy with Laura

30. Finishing school

29. Gym class

28. School morning

27. Waiting for Karyn

26. Bathroom break

25. More girly

24. Karyn in control: 3rd changes

23. Jon gets home

22. Bumping into Laura

21. More shopping

20. Bra shopping

19. Jon learns more

18. Bathroom break

17. Catching up with Karyn

16. Flirting in class

Jon wakes up

on 2022-12-14 00:19:36

1505 hits, 206 views, 4 upvotes.

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As Jon became aware he felt himself becoming afraid. He had been turning into a girl with no way to stop it. So far it hasn't been too terrible but who knows?

He would, the moment he opened his eyes, threw off his blanket, and looked down. But he wanted to rest in ignorance. His bed never felt so comfortable or the sheets so smooth. But eventually, he stopped procrastinating and... hh god, he changed even more. It was clear that he had become more... feminine. Was that even the right word?

Perhaps endowed. It wasn't entirely clear what had changed under his large, loose-fitting Star Wars t-shirt. Well, it was abundantly clear that one thing had changed. The shirt hadn't been that tented last night. He definitely had bigger boobs.

He considered pulling the shirt off here and taking a look but a quick glance at his alarm clock made it clear there wasn't enough time. He had slept in. Getting out of bed his first few steps were careful. His center of mass had certainly moved.

It turned out he needn't have worried. Walking felt completely normal. He didn't struggle to balance at all as he expected to. In fact, moving seemed more effortless than before. Previous mornings he did have balance issues that by the end of the day hadn't completely sorted themselves out.

But now, nothing. He strolled around his room, his enhanced breasts bouncing more than they ever had. Eliciting small pleasant tingles from his nipples as they bounced with each step, causing a slow warmth to spread from his nethers. Not that he noticed this.

Something had clicked and it had become clear that he wasn't the only one that had changed. Looking around his room had changed. The walls were still the same familiar light blue. His gaming computer was unchanged as hummed away.

Subtle changes. His Star Wars and LOTR posters were still up but since when did he have pornographic prints? He took a double take and was sure to brush the hair out of his eyes.

Well, there was only one. It depicted a much sexier Princess Leia, almost naked. Jon had to admit it was really hot, but he was surprised his mom would allow such a thing. He looked around, perhaps other things had changed.

Okay, there were definitely some changes. He didn't really notice it before but his bed seemed to have much nicer sheets and now a full-length mirror hung from his wall. Looking around frantically, his steps fast, causing excessive bouncing of his new chest. Wet heat pooled between his legs from the stimulation on his nipples.

After a minute, maybe less. He calmed down and stopped in the middle of his room. And it was still his room. He had noticed a few erotic lesbian romance novels that he certainly never had before. Also, who knew that was a thing? He also found a few playboys stuffed under his bed. Which he couldn't help but flip through for a few moments.

Shit. He was getting horny or aroused or whatever. Ugh. It was hard to think. He hadn't realized it earlier but it was clear now. Every small movement sent pleasant tingles below. He bit his lip, hoping the pain would help.

Deep breaths. He had to ignore how his chest rose and fell with each one in such a distracting manner as it shifted in his shirt. Deep breaths.

He needed to get ready. He didn't have time to try to find everything that changed. And if he left earlier perhaps he would have had time to take a shower. Now he would be lucky if he made the bus. Brushing the hair out of his eyes again he made a beeline for the bathroom. Hopefully, it wasn't occupied.

He swung the door open, stepped out into the hallway of his house, and hurriedly slammed the door behind him.

"JEEEN!" A voice called out from the first floor.

"WHAT!?" He found himself hollering back on instinct.


"Sorry!" He called back. Usually, a lecture would follow but seeing as his mother was still here, she was running late too.

He continued down the hallway towards the bathroom his sister and him shared. Hopefully, she had finished her shower by now. Otherwise, she wouldn't let him into the bathroom.

And fuck. The unmistakable sound of water running, his sister singing some song and the closed bathroom door told the story well enough.

He was going to be late. He sighed, turned around and leaned back against the door, only for it to fall open and for him to fall flat on his ass.

Fuck that hurt. Not as much as he would expect. Usually there was the pain of bone striking the hard floor. Thankfully it only stung a little bit. He moved to get up, twisting around, hair falling in his face again.

He'd have to get a haircut. Hair getting in his eyes was starting to get annoying. Still, he had no time to think about that. Getting up, still bent over, cold air ran up his back and stomach causing him to shiver even in the warm humid air of the bathroom. Grabbing the hem he pulled it down which he immediately regretted.

His boobs hurt. He had made a mistake. His actions had squeezed his boobs quite painfully actually. And because of the many sizes too big t-shirt's wide neckline, one almost escaped out the top. After a moment of surprisingly skillful finessing, he finished readjusting his whole... situation and he looked up.

"Jen... What was that?" Zoe stood before him, water dripping down her hair with a towel wrapped around her chest, eyes fixed on something beneath his neck. Before dragging her eyes up to meet Jon's with a slight blush. "I said, what was that?" Pointing to the floor where he just had been.

Wait what?! "Jen?" Zoe's eyes had drifted to his chest again for... some reason. Didn't take long for them to join hers again. "Jen!?" He repeated, feeling as confused as she looked.

"Jen? Your name? Don't tell me you forgot your name. You're supposed to be the smartest one in the family." Jon normally would have been quite offended by quite a statement, but it was clear in Zoe's tone that it was just lighthearted ribbing. "Right Jen, my name." Fuck his name had been changed to! What else had been?

"You fell like a dufus. You're lucky you got a bigger ass than me, otherwise, that would have hurt much more." Zoe replied.

One hand quickly went to his ass, rubbing where he had fallen on it, finding no pain. Just a nice fizz that made his core tighten up. God, he had to stop turning himself on. He wasn't sure why but it suddenly clicked. Here he was half dressed with his sister wrapped in a towel. Normally there would be shouting. Zoe would yell at him for walking around the house naked or him calling her a slut for not closing the door when she was occupied.

It made him feel guilty, he shouldn't have said those things. And he should probably give her some modesty. Turning around, his back now to his sister, he surveyed the scene. The slightly scrunched carpet, steamed mirror from the shower, and the bathroom door hanging ajar.

"I didn't expect the door to be unlocked. You hate it when someone barges in on you." He brushed a few strands of hair out of his face before turning slightly to meet Zoe's eyes, only for Zoe's paniked eyes to look anywhere but where they had been. A slight blush on her face again. Jon twisted around, with much more flexibility than he had before. His shirt had ridden up, exposing his posterior and his form fitting briefs. Wait a minute, just above the waistline there was something on his skin. It almost looked like-

"S-seriously Jen, I only lock the bathroom door if dad or Mikey are still around. It's fine if you or mom come in."

"Oh okay... uh," he truly didn't know how to respond to that. Apparently, he and Zoe got along much better now. He averted his eyes again. It felt so natural to glance at Zoe's face to watch her reactions... when she was standing there with no clothes except the towel around her torso. He felt gross realizing that and suddenly found himself quite uncomfortable, standing here with almost nothing on. Though part of him nagged at the back of his mind, that this was all perfectly normal no matter how abnormal it actually was.

"Look, we can talk about this later. You still might have enough time for a shower before you leave. Let me get out of your way. And uh..." she paused a quick look passing from head to toe of Jon's altered form pausing again on his chest, "I can take your clothes and toss them in the wash if you like." Zoe had one hand holding her towel closed as the other waited, outstretched, waiting for Jon's response.

For a moment Jon was shocked by such a gesture of kindness from someone who, the day before, would never do such a thing for him. "Sure... but uh. Could you close the door most of the way, um... we're sisters but that doesn't make me entirely comfortable, you know, being undressed around you." He felt so awkward. He really did feel uncomfortable, and yet Zoe was in front of him wearing even less than he was. He hadn't even had a chance to see what he was uncomfortable about. What did he look like?

Jon didn't see the start of it, that pesky hair got in his eyes again, but it was clear he made Zoe uncomfortable too. On closer analysis, it seemed to be closer to guilt. Whatever it was, Zoe refused to meet his eyes as she shimmed out the bathroom door and closed it, almost all the way.

"Of course, sorry. If I had known that it made feel like that then-"

"It's fine. Just for future-"

"Of course... Just hurry, give me your clothes. You're not the only one at risk of being late."

Jon quickly got to work, biting his lip and whimpering slightly as the t-shirt came up over his breasts and apparently very sensitive nipples and again when his briefs slid down his thicker thighs. He squeezed his thighs together, hoping to stop the now resurgent pangs of emptiness, anticipation, and warmth coming from his gut.

Wrong idea, he thought as a small moan came out.

"The clothes!" Right! He quickly handed them over before shutting the door. The clock on the bathroom counter ticked one minute ahead as he stood there horny and a little bit confused by what had just happened.

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