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23. Henry Wilder's Partner

22. Ozmaro Vs. Liam Vs. John Uxon

21. Double Feature

20. Rin and Henry Wilder Vs. Spade

19. New Partner

18. Rin Vs. Oscar Ramon

17. The Next Boom

16. The Battle Royale

15. Hall of Fame Checklist

14. Rin and Lam Vs. The Flames

13. Time Skip

12. The Incubi Vs. Alvin Million,

11. Logging Off

10. Championship Opportunity

9. Ozmaro and Rin Vs. El Pollo an

8. Liam Vs. El Pollo

7. Picric

6. Wrestler Name

5. Allocate Points

4. Pro Wrestling

A Quick Substitute

avatar on 2022-12-15 10:31:33

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That was how the show ended: John's broken body being stomped into oblivion at ringside. That was his contractual rematch. John Uxon was good though. He was the champion for a reason. I had no doubt that he would be back in the title picture soon enough. For now, it was time for Liam to shine. It also signaled the end of Owen's undefeated streak. He had lost to Liam in the cage. It was not sad though. When you won the Television title, you were able to choose to move up to Picric. That meant that things were soon going to shift. Sooner or later, the 2 of them were going to move on. That was more than fine. We were initially hired to be jobbers that made Liam look good and get him over as a heel. We were so much more than that by now. We had won the championships that we could as a faction. OPW had 7 championships between the 2 shows. The 24/7 title was floating between both. There was the World Heavyweight, International, Tag Team, and Womens belts on Picric. Boom had only the Television, Tag Team and Womens titles. None of us were women. They did not count.

I had won the 24/7 championship multiple times. Benson and I were Tag Team champions on Boom now. Owen and Liam had passed the big Television Championship between them. Our faction was actually dominating Boom right now. Momentum was ours as we went into Picric. Henry Wilder had indeed gotten his championship match. Since he won a tag team match, he had a shot at the Picric Tag Team titles. Henry came to me looking for help. I was not too keen on helping him again. I already had my title. However, there was something I could do. When he found me, he got down and clung to my feat. "Rin!! You have to help me! I went to everyone to partner with me tonight. I went to Oscar Ramon, I went to Alvin, I went to El Pollo. Hell, I even went to Papa Papa- that freak! They all turned me down. The GM said if I can't find a partner, it's a handicap match. If I lose, I get fired." he cried. I just looked down at him and yanked my foot away. He looked shocked and desperate. I pulled Byron over and pushed Henry closer to him with my foot. Henry clung to him. Byron looked shocked.

Smirking, I shrugged my shoulders. "Mal was your name, was it!? Will you help me this time. Rin can tell you, I'm a great guy!!" he begged. Byron sighed and nodded his head. Henry jumped up to his feet and said "Alright! Let's get going. Our match is next!" Byron comically was dragged off as he clawed the air to stay with us. The rest of us demons just looked at each other before laughing. I made sure to join them both at ringside. Byron probably did not want to team with Henry, but a title shot was really hard to turn down. This was a great opportunity as well. If they won, Byron would be Picric Tag Team Champion. That would guarantee his move up to the main show. A title made it hard to deny you. They would be in the tag division for as long as they had the belts. Even if they lost it, they could get back in the running for them with a rematch clause. I would make sure to remind him to get one when he signed the new contract. We were backstage when the match ahead of us finished. Emerald, Ruby and Rooster got a big victory against Mark Matters, Zippy and Zappy in a 6-man tag match.

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