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26. OPW Energized

25. Ramifications

24. Henry Wilder and Mal vs. Claw

23. Henry Wilder's Partner

22. Ozmaro Vs. Liam Vs. John Uxon

21. Double Feature

20. Rin and Henry Wilder Vs. Spade

19. New Partner

18. Rin Vs. Oscar Ramon

17. The Next Boom

16. The Battle Royale

15. Hall of Fame Checklist

14. Rin and Lam Vs. The Flames

13. Time Skip

12. The Incubi Vs. Alvin Million,

11. Logging Off

10. Championship Opportunity

9. Ozmaro and Rin Vs. El Pollo an

8. Liam Vs. El Pollo

7. Picric

Dominating the Pay Per View

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I did have interest in the next match. It was time for John and Owen's match. Owen went out alone. They went back and forth. It was clear that they hated each other. All the vicious shots with weapons and low blows on both sides proved that. In a last ditch effort to end it. John pulled of a massive superplex from the top rope corner to the outside. Both of their back hit the thin padding on the concrete below. Neither man could answer the 10 count. I was left speechless. It was a suicide move from John. He wanted to win, but he was damn sure not about to let Owen take the victory. A pair of Boom women's wrestlers fought for the championship. Someone won. Then it was time for the Television title to be defended. I had been waiting for. Owen was too injured to have went with Liam. That role then fell to me. Liam crushed Wendolyn with little help from me. It was a very dominant showing. I was already in the ring, so Benson came out and then it was time for the Flames. I was still fresh, so I opened the match. It was a super tough fight, but we narrowly just eked out a win. That was us done.

Byron and Henry had to defend their tag tiles after a small rivalry grudge match between the team of Zippy and Zappy and Emerald and Ruby. Everyone that was not the exact 6 wrestlers that were booked for the match were banned for ringside. It was to keep us demons; Claw and Paw; as well as Pet Control from interfering. The 6 men entered the ring as pairs. Once the bell rang, it was every team for themselves. It was a vicious battle and their bodies would surely never be the same. Henry had been learning defensive maneuvers. If they could not catch you, they could not put you through a table. The team did split on who to side with initially. Byron sided with Horse to get Gregory Silver eliminated. Henry joined Jerry Lakes to powerbomb Raptor through another table. Jerry then immediately turned on him and suplexed Henry through a table. 1 form each team was eliminated. After taking a huge move to the face, Byron rolled out. Taking my advice, he used the distraction to roll under the ring. Horse and Jerry duked it out in the corner, but it was Horse that fell and crashed the table.

While Jerry was prematurely celebrating, Byron rolled back into the ring behind him with a new table. Jerry did not see it. When he turned around, he was knocked to the ground with the full weight of the table being slammed in his face. He fell to the ground. Horse had done a number on him. Byron set the table up and placed Jerry on it. I hoped that Jerry stayed down. Byron climbed to the middle rope and did a rather vanilla diving elbow drop. It was enough to put Jerry through the table. The bell rung and Byron help up both belts in his arms. He then went up the ramp and met Henry halfway. He gave Henry their belt and they celebrated on the ramp. It was great. That was everyone that I cared about. Liam and Owen got those contracts signed that night. Due to that, the Television title was vacant. Now that I thought of it, that left only me and Benson as wrestlers mainly on Boom. It also meant the newly vacant Television Championship was up for grabs. I convinced Benson that we should go for it. We had the tag titles. A reign with the vacant belt would make us Boom Grand Slam champions.

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