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200. The Payload

199. 10-002

198. Gas Station

197. Convoy Duty

196. Erosion Mission

195. Erosion AEPs

194. Erosion Clan

193. Coming Back

192. Logging Off

191. His Death

190. Broken

189. The Cost

188. The Changes

187. Forcing It

186. The Meeting

185. True Friends

184. A Set Up

183. Fleeing

182. 2 Symbiotes

181. Guild Eggs

The Destination

avatar on 2022-12-17 21:09:49

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Animal Herm NBM Omni TF

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He simply did not get the situation he was in. "Well, we need his body with us. Can you let us go!?" I asked with a deep sigh. He got up and walked over to me. "All of the humans of your clan have a big bounty. I want it all. Let me kiss you." he said. "If you will let us go, then yes." I told him. He pulled me in close and looked very suave. He kissed me gently and then put his tongue in my mouth. I let him do it to see what would happen. I felt some of it slide down my throat. Having that instantly burn throughout my whole body really hurt. I was instantly hot and then cold and hot again. My head hurt a lot. I bent over in agony. His poison was really no joke. Saying that it would hurt was an understatement of the highest order. Paul touched me on the shoulder and it all went away for me. That was the perk of having a Devil as a friend. I still played it up for appearances. "Ow owie ow ow! It hurts. I think that I am dying!" I cried out and whimpered. "Oh no! Brianne, you're really in bad shape. We should just go and die." Paul said, going along with it all. He looked at us and then blocked the exit.

10-002 was pouting. I frowned. "No way. I can't get the bounty for myself unless I confirm it. Let me come with you." he said. Paul smiled and said "Alright. We have to go for another drive soon. You might as well come." "There is no space in the cab of the truck." I said, glaring at him. "He can sit on my-" he tried to say. "No Paul. Don't!" I interrupted. He looked at the AEP and held his hand. "If I have to shove my dick in his ass to make room, I will. I want him to get that bounty." he finished. It was up to them. I wanted nothing to do with it. "Just come on." I groaned as I pushed past them. I got behind the wheel and we continued to drive. They wanted to know why Paul was with the AEP unit. I had to explain to them we had strong anti-toxins and magic that we found in the other continent. It was a lie, but I could do healing magic. So, it was not hard to get through an explanation. They were all very interested to learn about it. They were not able to get there. Maybe they would when the game advanced to the point where all of the various servers and sub-worlds were all connected together.

In the meantime, Paul was probably having a great time having his own personal fuck toy on his lap for the rest of the journey. It took us several more days in-game to get to Nova City. It was time for the truck to take over and get us to the hospital. We had to go through the back. How else were we going to get the X-frames in their clan building? Members from the clinic that were not part of the clan were manning the hospital. It was all way too important to be left unguarded for so long. Paul hopped out the cab of the truck, but the toxic AEP unit was still wrapping his legs around his waist. Paul was more than strong enough to support his weight. "I don't understand how you can be standing! Maybe you're just really strong and need a better dose." the cyborg said as he saw me. He puckered his lips and kissed a reluctant Paul again. I saw Paul's knees buckle. He was still on his knees when the AEP unit pulled away. "That should do it." he said as he reached out for me. I just moved out of the way quickly. "Damn! You are a hassle." Paul hissed as he got to his feet. His nose was bleeding.

That was something new. I pointed it out. "This is a level 80 poison. Give me a break here. It fucking hurt." he snapped as he snorted up the blood and spat it out on the hospital floor. "Hey! This is a hospital! Keep the area clean" the leader of the clan snapped at us. We were technically still not done. It was not over until we secured all their X-frames downstairs. The PEP and AEP units could handle themselves. It was a done deal. No one could possibly stop us now. The elevator was 15 yards away. I did not think that it was possible to lose at this point. Killing us was not possible and I saw the AEP units go straight to work. They were going around looking at patients I guessed members of the safehouse clinic sent here. We got all 6 X-frames to the large freight elevator. Both Paul and I had to wait alone on the loading dock since we technically had a hostile unit on us at the moment. As soon as the doors closed, the mission was completed. The pain had made Paul go soft long ago and the Toxic AEP unit was standing around next to us. We had told them all that we were going to drive back.

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