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208. The Preparations

207. New Target

206. War Footing

205. Picked Up

204. Our Prize

203. The Battle

202. The Bunker

201. Nova City

200. The Payload

199. 10-002

198. Gas Station

197. Convoy Duty

196. Erosion Mission

195. Erosion AEPs

194. Erosion Clan

193. Coming Back

192. Logging Off

191. His Death

190. Broken

189. The Cost

The Final Preparations

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While I was waiting for things to be researched and fabricated, I was experimenting on 05-003. Because he had not energy, it made hacking him easy. Even with a cipher meant for hacking, it was still meant to be pretty hard on a hacker looking to get a look inside because he was such an advanced machine. With him out of commission, I was able to learn more about the AEP units and the next stage. For starters, I was able to tell that I could simply take 05-003's organ away. By making him expel the organ, I could fabricate it and make more. He could not do so with no energy. I had to give him some by feeding him some grapes. After a dozen, he had just enough to purge it from his body. I put it in the nearest fabricator. Once there was a lot, I could see that it was a stomach mounted water cannon. The volume and pressure of the water was very high, but the move itself had a limit before it would start to hurt the unit that was using it. Organs could get overworked and fail. A critical failure could lead to serious injury. That is something that I would love to see happen to the enemy one day.

Since Cold Clan was gone, I could take out the new toxic organs. I told them about it. "Do you think you can put it in your bodies and use it on missions?" I asked. Adrian took one and placed it against his side. Closing his eyes, he said "I think I can integrate it. It will take some time to forge the connections using my nanites." I nodded and handed the organs out to them. Just like with the reverse process, it seemed to be a really energy consuming and painful process. I suggested that they sit on the chairs for comfort. It took them about an hour to integrate it. 03 moved it to his stomach. I made sure that he was comfortable. 04 was angry. "He doesn't need the help!" he snapped at me. I ignored him. "Keep all of this a secret from the other clans. This operation will ruffle lots of feathers." I said to them. "Don't worry. We won't tell Void Clan on you." 01 smirked. I nodded my head. Looking at them, I said "I'm glad you guys came. I was gone for a while because of 02, but I'm back now." 01 and 03 looked at each other. "The fact that you have been grieving him for a year is enough for us." 03 said.

The breakdown was already decided for the attack. We sent Syrios and Volt this time to film the waterpark discreetly. They were getting a vacation, so they said yes right away. It was an all-day trip. Because they were millionaires, they were taken around the grounds with an exclusive VIP pass. They did not have any of the employee-only areas, but they were able to film it from a distance. It was a big success. Paul and Brett will pose as terrorists taking the park hostage. They would have the PEA units of age with them to give them the backup of numbers. Together, they would take on Water Clan and the government. I would go with half of the AEP units to make sure they got there in one piece. Our job was to find the Water transmission hub. Once we did, they would go in and hack it for us. After it was done, we would then have to escape the park without getting killed or captured. That was when the other AEPs would come with the vans. The X-frames would cover us. I assigned Ava, Caleb and Cameron as the drivers. They would be backed up by Adrian, Aaron and Eli. Almost ready now.

Colton, Nolan and Charlotte were coming with me. Colton looked very surprised that he was going to be coming with me. I looked at him and said "You proved that you are very quick on your feet and good at fighting. Colton, do you want to come hack the hub? I can switch you out." He nodded frantically and said "I'm going to hack the transmission hub. You can't change your mind about it now. I don't care about the fight." Colton was clearly lying but, if he wanted to come along, I did not care that much. With everything prepared, all we had to do was choose a day to do it. Paul and Brett did not want to wait any longer, so it would be done the next day. My group had to go first. We were not the terrorists that would give us cover for the operation. Syrios and Volt had discovered 2 separate candidates for where the hub could be. It had to be one of them. The other one was the clan building. We could check both. Hopefully, they get the right one the first time. If not, that could be lots of time- and their lives- wasted. That was the reason I was going with the hacking team in the first place.

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