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3. At School

2. Oops!

1. You Are What You Wish

Lazy Days

on 2009-11-10 17:59:33

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"These things are really bugging me," Jon proclaimed for the fifteenth or so time, surreptitiously adjusting his breasts. He could feel a few people looking at him, but he didn't really care anymore. All of his male friends had seemed from the get-go to be more interested in talking to his chest than to him, and that sort of thing tends to pull one out of one's shell very quickly.

Karyn sighed, 'shh'ing him. "Jon, stop, seriously," she pleaded in a low voice. "People have been staring at you all day anyway, and me for talking to you. The bitch cheerleaders have even been calling us girlfriends when they didn't think we could hear." A blush spread across her face, and Jon laughed, sitting down under the shade of the tree. She sat down next to him, leaning in. "It's not funny. I mean, I don't care what they think, but... it's just weird."

"Then don't talk to me, if I embarrass you so much," he said, smiling. She shook her head vehemently and he let out a small laugh. "Don't worry, Karyn. I know. I'll be more quiet about it, but I can't really bring myself to give a damn anymore. Think of what it'd be like," Jon explained, dropping his voice, "If you came to school with a huge bulge in your pants. That's how it is for me. I can't be afraid of it, and I can't run from it, because it's right there. Well, right here," he conceded, cupping his breasts in his hands. "Sink or swim, Kar-bear."

She couldn't help laughing at his juvenile nickname for her. "Jon, you haven't called me that in ages. That's so cute. This wish is changing you, huh?"

He shrugged. "It's only today. I'll probably be back to normal tomorrow and too scared to come to school." Jon paused, and a wicked smile spread across his face. "Maybe I should wish you did have a huge bulge in your pants..." he said, bursting into loud laughter at her horrified expression.

"NO!" she yelled, blushing madly, and lowering her voice to a sharp whisper. "Give me the rock, Jon," Karyn demanded, holding her hand out. "I can't be sure you won't do something like that to me without thinking, just like your last wish."

"But..." Jon started, though he realized her point, even if she was wrong about what 'last wish' had changed him. He reached into his pocket and handed her the rock, mumbling an apology.

She seemed to calm down just like that, though her heavy breathing didn't cease. "Sorry, Jon-boy. That just... that terrified me. I can't imagine what you're going through and you seem so confident today that I thought you'd actually do it. Well, I still think so. I know, you'd probably put a time limit on it or something if you thought ahead of time, but we don't even know if time limits work."

Jon's eyes widened and he cursed to himself as he thought about it. "Damnit, that's what I could've done..." he mumbled, and immediately regretted it.

"What you could've done? What are you talking about?" Karyn pressed, and Jon shook his head, talking under his breath about how it was nothing. "No, tell me. I can wish to know if you don't," she said, holding up the stone.

He sighed melodramatically, giving himself time to think. "Alright... well... I was just thinking that, well, that's what I could've done when I w-wished for Sarah's hair and boobs," he said, looking down as if in shame, though he really didn't want to look Karyn in the eyes. Otherwise she could tell. She always could tell.

She leered at him for a moment, and finally conceded, "Right. Well, it's not too late now, is it? I can wish for that," she offered.

"No!" he blurted out, and quickly composed himself. "No, that's alright. I'll think about it and... well, you wanted to go bra shopping after school, didn't you?" he asked, hoping, against his male pride, she agreed. "How many guys get a chance to go bra shopping for themselves?" he asked, smiling. "I don't think I wanna pass that up."

Karyn laughed, and nodded. "It's not as fun as you probably think, but yeah, you've got a point." She paused, and her next few words were interrupted by a bell over the intercom. She stood up, offering a hand to help Jon up too. He accepted it, and she said, "Well, let's get back to class. Meet you at the wall after school?"

Jon nodded, smiling, though he was no longer quite sure what he was smiling about.

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