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Keith Gets His Children

avatar on 2022-12-21 06:01:36

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Obviously, we would have to be there to extract the chip from their corpse before we could bring them back in a new body. It was also a good thing for the AEP units that were getting fucked. With the chips in their bodies, they could take the best attribute of the PEA and boost their own efficiency 10%. With 3 inside them, it was possible for an AEP unit to get a 30% buff to a stat. The bonus nanites was good too. I had 05-003 with me and a lab full of PEA units that were not aligned with any clan. We did not need them. They were just sent here to be here. Aside from Cold Clan, we were the only lab open. They had nowhere else to go. Except for Keith's kids. They left with him every evening to come back in the mornings. In the time I was away, he was able to see 2 children reach maturity. The third was still a bit young, so she had to continue coming to the lab. The others were all ready to be used at any time. 05-003 did not have energy, so I had to lug hum everywhere I went. Like clockwork, Keith arrived to pick up his daughter. I looked at Keith and he frowned at me. "I don't have all day." he said.

Smiling, I showed him my research. I also told him about the scuffle over the Erosion transmission hub. He glared at me. "I am a vice leader of a clan and I did not know that. How they hell did you find that!?" I then brought him in to see 05-003." Keith gasped in shock. "What the fuck have you done to him!?" he snapped. "I have a hostage here. If we give him some energy and get your kids out in the field to do some missions, we might be able to get the memory chips created. You'll never need to fear losing your kids." I said. Keith shook his head. "I don't want anything to do with this shit. You're playing a dangerous game here." He quickly took his daughter from the filled up PEA lab and left. I waved them off and watched as they walked down the hall to the elevator. Once they were inside the elevator and the doors began to close they were no longer my problem. I doubt that they would snitch on us. Who would he even tell if he had the chance. Cold Clan might interfere, but they also had no right to in inter-clan activities. We would simply smooth their fears and get them to fuck off.

I was looking them over for a few minutes when I realized that I knew nothing about them. I walked over and one of them woke up from the cot that he was on. He just looked at me and yawned. Everyone knew who I was. I was the clan engineer. To be fair, I took the year break and focused on the AEP units. However, they should at least notice that a human in the lab had to mean something. His yawn made me yawn reflexively despite myself. That made me a bit annoyed with him. He did not seem to notice or care about it. The PEA said "This area is for the PEA units to rest. We like sunlight, but we don't get much of it here. Conserving energy is the best way to deal with it." That made sense to me. I decided to level with him. "I'm looking to recruit the PEA units into the clan." His eyes widened slightly. "Do you know anyone who would be good?" I asked. He blinked and got closer to me. Another yawn came out of him. "Sorry. I did a drill and it nearly wiped me out. I could be that unit. You finally want us, right? I can start the team. I'm great at hacking." he said. I yawned openly again.

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