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199. 10-002

Critical Successes

avatar on 2022-12-21 06:56:30

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Age Animal MTF Magic

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He was gently stroking inside and out of the unwilling AEP unit. 05-003 was still trying to break out of his restraints. 05-003 could not get out. After 5 minutes of the gentle stroking in the AEP, Alpha grunted and gave us a long count down. "Memory nanite ejection in 10... 9..." When he got down to 1, he thrust in deeper and came. He moaned lewdly again. "Memory nanite ejection confirmed." Alpha said after a sigh. The PEA units clapped and cheered again as he pulled out. Once he had, 05-003 began thrusting his hips up in the empty space that Alpha had vacated. After he had done 15 thrusts in the air, the white nanites were expelled from his body. "Major data leakage confirmed. AEP memory chip creation aborted." he said with a smirk. Alpha looked upset. I pat him on the back. "You did everything right. 05-003 is still an enemy and hostile unit to our clan. This is all a test run for the proof of concept. One day, you'll be able to have a partner that's part of the clan." I said to soothe him. He looked at me in surprise. "I'm fine now. Emotions run quick for PEA units. We have to work."

I was learning more and more about them by the day. I just nodded and said "That's okay. I am human. Managing emotions is something that I do care about. Don't feel too bad if I try to comfort or encourage you sometimes." I then looked at everyone else. "The same goes for all of you guys." I told them. They looked unsure of how to respond. In any case, Delta was up next. He climbed on top of the AEP unit and said "Memory nanite volume sufficient." It was a bit overbearing until I realized he was glaring down at 05-003. Since I reminded them that he was hostile, they had changed their stance towards this operation. "Initiating penetration. Attempting high impact thrust rhythm." he announced before thrusting in deep. He moaned and trembled a bit, but he schooled his reaction. He was on a mission against the enemy. Instead of the gentle stroking Alpha was doing, Delta was on top of him and thrusting in harder using his glutes to make sure his dick got in deeper. When he got to the end of his big 10 second countdown, he came deep inside the cyborg under him. A powerful display.

05-003 gave the air 19 thrusts before the same message. The next one to go was Epsilon. When he mounted the still bound AEP unit, 05-003 just chuckled. "How long are we going to do this for? Your toys are useless and only know how to give snacks to humans and take inventory. It isn't going to work." he said haughtily towards me. I did not take the bait. "We'll be the judge of that. Epsilon, go ahead." I replied. Epsilon was unfazed by the berating. I could now only guess. At least his face was neutral and his eyes were determined. I had no way to know if the green haired cyborg had never been hurt, or if he had been and simply gotten over it. "Memory nanite volume sufficient." he said as he had not been erect yet. He raised to his full 6 inch glory. "Initiating penetration." he said as he guided himself inside the AEP unit. Epsilon then looked at us before saying "Attempting moderate tempo thrust rhythm." He had went back to the stroking in an out. However, with the increased frequency, our PEA unit was earnestly humping the trapped 05-003. This did not work out too well for our Epsilon.

Clearly, he wanted to do well. However, it was not meant to be. He lost the rhythm multiple times and had to stop to find it again. Even the countdown was delayed and restated twice. When he had finally got it done, he looked upset. "Memory nanite ejection confirmed." he said, pulling out. It was clear he was not very confident with the result of his turn. 05-003 began to trust back. It took 23 thrusts this time. It was getting longer and longer for 05-003 to reject the incoming nanites. That seemed to be a good sign at least. I pat Epsilon on the back and said "Great try. You'll get the hang of it next time." He just nodded, already over it. The last critical success was Theta, he was up to bat now. He was already erect when he climbed on top of the AEP unit. "Initiating penetration." he said as he thrust in. he gave it a moment to get a feel of the situation. I did not blame him, he was losing his virginity. Once he was ready, he said "Attempting moderate impact thrust rhythm." I nodded and he got to work. He was not thrusting his hips as hard as Delta, but anyone could see he was putting his back in.

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