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224. Very Scary

223. Second Death

222. Ashamed

221. The Link

220. PEA Try 3

219. PEA Try 2

218. PEA Try

217. The Results

216. A Surgery

215. Busy Work

214. Show Offs

213. Rebellion

212. Our PEAs

211. Scouting

210. Recruitment

209. AEP and PEA

208. The Preparations

207. New Target

206. War Footing

205. Picked Up

Birth of Blank

avatar on 2022-12-21 07:10:23
Episode last modified by 1Ryguy1 on 2022-12-25 10:57:20

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Animal Anthro FTM FTP Herm Myth Part Theft SciFi

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Only then was the mood lifted between us. I saw them out personally. As we were leaving, 01 looked at us and said "Paul and Brett are the same as you right? You came to the continent together." I smirked and said "You didn't hear this from me, but Paul and Brett are 100 times stronger than me." "No fucking way!" 01 said. 03 just looked incredulous as well. I took 3 bullets to the head, died, and came back 10 minutes later. What even would it look like to be 100 times stronger than that? It would be impossible to calculate. "No matter what though, when we win and conqueror this continent, you are going to be my pet.' 01 said. 03 playfully shoved him. "No way. He's coming with me. He was my friend first." he said. They both smiled at me before leaving. I felt a chill run down my spine. It was the kind of smile they gave me when I first met them. I could tell that if I ever did become their pet, they would abuse the hell out of me. 'Damn. I love the feeling of finally dominating you, Brianne.' replayed in my mind. "And now they won't even fear accidently killing me. I'd just come back fresh."

I said that last bit out loud. That was a really scary thought for me though. I still had a lot of work to do, so I pushed it to the back of my mind. We cleaned up the bodies. I then grouped our PEA units into 2 groups. The critical successes and Zeta were in one group, Team A. The rest were in the other group, Team B. There was a battery of things that they could do for me. Team A had to rearrange the gardens and do inventory. Team B had to go on coffee runs to the police station and to each human guild member. That was an equal 5 for a single week. Running perimeter patrols of both Micropolis and Dwan Town was another 2. I split them accordingly. That was 6 task a week. The seventh day could be use to relax in the clan building. The next week the Teams would switch chores. I also had a mission for Finian and Lucy. I just needed another AEP unit. It would round our number to 10. I also would let me not feel guilty for making a clan member a breeding mare. They both got in their X-frames and fucked. Lucy came in his pussy. He would have to take a leave of absence from the police.

After 9 weeks in-game went by, I saw it be born. I took it aside and named it Blank. I had a sketch from the internet on what it should look like. It was a dual gendered concept. At times it would appear masculine. Other times, it would appear more feminine. Either form was shapely and had wide hips with a huge ass. I purposely had a black and white sketch. The AEP unit was totally white. There was not a hint of color to be found except red and green ribbons that passed for the "clothing" they wore in the drawing. Their hair, eyes and skin was snow white. Blank was still pretty aggressive towards me because it was just born. I had told both Brett and Paul my intentions with Blank. They gave it the thumbs up after Zeta got to show off his memory chip. Blank flexed their plating and tried to tackle me at first. I simply did not let them do that. Once they settled down and took to their forms, they just followed me around. I did not let myself get attached to them in any way, shape or form. That would be a huge mistake. They were the breeding machine for the PEA units to get their memory chips.


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