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2. Multiple Bodies

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Multiple Bodies

on 2016-10-10 01:38:09

1147 hits, 17 views, 0 upvotes.

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I saw that people started picking up the Hat Picks stories recently and I remembered that I had a few chapters on my computer that I never posted.

I just put them up;=nospamstory I'm really fascinated by this concept of 1 mind controlling multiple bodies and I would love to see it continued if anyone is so inclined. I haven't seen many stories like that.

I keep getting flashes of ideas of how to continue it, but I'm having trouble putting it to page.

The main idea I had was: Jon is still 1 person, just across multiple bodies. You could start a conversation with one body, and pick it up with the other. The bodies, though at first glance may be identical, are actually a bit different from each other: Just like a persons right side is slightly different from their left. At first glance, other people may not be able to tell the difference, but to Jon, it's as plane as day.

Here's the tricky part though. This is one of the reasons I don't know how to continue: These differences are both physical and mental (since each body has a different brain). Jon can detect these personality differences, but they are sometimes subtle and can't always be seen from outside. I wanted to do a story where Jon was coping with the almost paradoxical idea of being 1 person spread across multiple personalities.

People act differently in different situations, or with different people. We have different personalities when we are with our families, or at work, or meeting random people on the street. We are still the same person, but we react differently depending on the context. In my mind I like to envision a person's personality is a 100 sided die, huge and complex, but the outside world only gets to see 1 face of the die at a time.

I wanted to encapsulate this idea in the story. Jon realizing the complexity of personality. He is bigger and more complex than he can understand. Perhaps one body is more emotional, while another is closed off. One may be gay, while another is straight, or asexual. Maybe one of his bodies loves sports, but another can't seem to focus on it. All of this would be different aspects of Jon. Each body could be treated as a complete person, but Jon is realizing that a complete person is more than what people see on the surface.

That's the kind of be the emotional adventure I'm trying to come up with for Jon.

Another idea that I was hoping to do was to continue with the Magic Hat, to continue to drive the story forward. Different Jon Bodies and Karyn would use the Hat a few more times (maybe once a day) and become more and more fascinated with the idea of their bodies changing and experiencing their lives through an altered lens. This portion of the story would be erotic, but it would also (hopefully) lead into a deeper story of accepting that change is not only constant, but should be a desired aspect of ourselves and in others. Maybe this is Karyn's emotional arc instead... or maybe they are discovering it together... or Jon develops a new relationship with a new girlfriend/boyfriend and that new person helps teach it... I donno...

Anyway, those are the lofty aspirations I had for this story, which is probably why I never got further than these 3 chapters that I posted tonight. I probably set a too high of a bar, and it will never get it done. That's why I'm posting this forum post. Maybe someone likes the idea and wants to continue it. Maybe someone's addition will help me continue, or someone wants to take it as their own and run with it.

Either way, thanks for reading!

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