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21. Prelude to a Gym Class (cont.)

20. Karyn’s (Jon’s’) Final class o

19. Prelude to a Gym Class

18. Jon’s Afternoon

17. Karyn’s Afternoon

16. The Day rolls on

15. Reunion II

14. The Day Continues

13. Reunion

12. First Class

11. The Day at School Begins

10. Karyn's Wish

9. After Breakfast

8. At Jon’s House

7. The Following Morning

6. Back at Karyn's old Home

5. Karyn's Walk "Home"

4. Jon and Karyn

3. In Karyn's Bedroom

2. Swap Lives

Prelude to a Gym Class (cont.)

avatar on 2017-01-15 18:23:53

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Jon walked into the girls' locker room half expecting the girls inside to start screaming at him. The courage he had found outside when he was talking to Susan seem to have deserted him. He was about to turn to leave when he heard. "Hurry up and get changed and get out there girls." It was Mrs. Wilson, the girls' gym instructor. She turned to Jon and said to him "Running late today Ms Black. Come on get a move on." With that she pushed Jon further into the locker room.

He had no choice now he had to take the class now Mrs. Wilson had seen him. After a few seconds he found his or rather Karyns' locker. He wondered what her combination was as he idly turned the tumblers in his hand. Almost as soon as he done that the locker opened. He wondered how he had done that then it came to him.

Karyn's wish from the day before must still be helping him out with things like that. Just as it had been the whole day so far. No matter how hard he tried to go to his classes as usual, he found himself going to Karyns'. Not just that he kept finding himself sitting in her seat. Even in the class the shared that day.

He opened the locker and started to take off the outfit that he had been wearing for the whole day so far. The scruffy old slacks and worn old green jumper were folded up and placed in the locker leaving him standing there in his (Karyn's') underwear. He reached down to the bag he had been carrying since the end of the last class. He took out the gym outfit, and nervously put on the yellow spandex shorts, then the sports bra was exchanged for the one he been wearing since just after his shower that morning. Finally a white tank top, which somehow fit him perfectly. Then again why wouldn't it the clothes he had just placed in the locker fit him as though they were his.

Now he was dressed Jon took the opportunity to look round the locker room. It didn't look that different to the boys' room that he normally used apart from all the semi naked girls' in it. Just then it hit him he was in a room full of girls changing for the class. Some of them changing their normal bras to a sports bra just as he had done a few minutes before. He didn't feel excited about the scene in front of him. It was just a group of his classmates changing for gym.

He didn't feel any attraction to any of the girls there whatsoever. That wasn't right? Maybe it was just the fact that he had been treated as "One of the Girls" all day that he just got used to being surrounded by girls. It was only now that he had given this any thought. Yeah that had to be it he thought as he turned to join the "other" girls in the gym for his final lesson of the day.

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