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32. Who has it easier: Before scho

31. Who has it easier: Karyn's mor

30. Who has it easier: Bed

29. Who has it easier: Phone call

28. Who has it easier: After dinne

27. Who has it easier: Distracted

26. Who has it easier: Homework

25. Who has it easier: Meeting Up

24. Who has it easier: The end of

23. Who has it easier: The end of

22. Gym Class

21. Prelude to a Gym Class (cont.)

20. Karyn’s (Jon’s’) Final class o

19. Prelude to a Gym Class

18. Jon’s Afternoon

17. Karyn’s Afternoon

16. The Day rolls on

15. Reunion II

14. The Day Continues

13. Reunion

Who has it easier: Before school

on 2017-01-26 15:48:37

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"Hey Karyn. Why the cross face?" Karyn asked Jon as she approached him.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm wearing a bra and panties and the rest of your clothes? Maybe it's because everyone sees and treats me like a girl? Maybe it's because it took me half an hour longer than usual to get ready this morning between getting my make up right and shaving your legs? I didn't even want to shave my legs but I kinda zoned out like in gym yesterday. Or maybe, it's because you forgot to mention that I have to go to your aunt's house for the weekend with your parents!!!" Jon replied, the anger and frustration clearly evident in his voice.

"Oh shit. I forgot all about that. I'm really sorry Jon. But it will be fine. You'll just have to make small talk with my relatives and mostly hang out with my cousin Cassie. Do you remember her? You met her a few years ago. She's really nice." Karyn was trying to calm Jon down and play down the weekend away.

"Yeah, I remember her but I could really have done without this. This wish of yours is getting worse by the day."

Karyn kept trying to calm Jon down. She tried to tell him everything he would need to know in preparation for the weekend. She kept assuring him that it wouldn't be so bad. Cassie was a lot of fun and the rest of the family were lovely. Besides the wish was for a week so once the weekend was out of the way and Monday rolled around the wish would be soon over.

Jon was still pissed about the rest of his morning being difficult but Karyn didn't have much sympathy for him on these points. This wish was to teach him a lesson about what girls have to go through and she was satisfied that it was working. She didn't mention the other wish about not embarrassing her in school but figured this was probably why he had been forced into shaving his legs that morning. She was overdue for a shave and if anyone got sight of her with hairy legs she'd never hear the end of it.

Giving Jon a hug to calm him down and trying to lighten the mood Karyn pulled the back of his bra and let it snap back in to place. Jon let out a yelp and Karyn reminded him of the time he had done this to her a few years ago when she had first started to wear a bra. It seemed to do the trick and Jon lightened up a bit as they walked towards the school. They both hard fairly easy schedules for the day and a few classes together as well as a double study hall to finish the day so at least they would be able to keep each other company.

Going their separate ways upon entering the school they headed to each others lockers to get what they needed for the morning.

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