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34. Who has it easier: Maths

33. Who has it easier: Jon's morni

32. Who has it easier: Before scho

31. Who has it easier: Karyn's mor

30. Who has it easier: Bed

29. Who has it easier: Phone call

28. Who has it easier: After dinne

27. Who has it easier: Distracted

26. Who has it easier: Homework

25. Who has it easier: Meeting Up

24. Who has it easier: The end of

23. Who has it easier: The end of

22. Gym Class

21. Prelude to a Gym Class (cont.)

20. Karyn’s (Jon’s’) Final class o

19. Prelude to a Gym Class

18. Jon’s Afternoon

17. Karyn’s Afternoon

16. The Day rolls on

15. Reunion II

Who has it easier: Maths

on 2017-01-31 16:51:28

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Jon turned to see Karyn's friend Susan standing behind him.
"Oh, Hi Susan." He replied.
"How's it going Karyn? You all set for the Maths test thing morning?" She asked.
"Kind of. Couldn't really focus last night but I think I'll be ok." Jon replied, not elaborating on how he had spent the evening staring at Karyn's naked reflection and then dressing up in a very girly nightdress and pleasuring himself to sleep. Nonetheless, the memory of it was pleasant and he felt a stirring in his penis. He no longer worried about such feelings, wherein the past he would have been mortified to have been seen with an erection in school he now felt kind of liberated to be able to allow himself become aroused safe in the knowledge that to everyone else he was female and so showed no outward signs.

Susan continued chatting to Jon as they made their way to class. She was babbling on about a date she had on Friday night but had nothing to wear.
"Would you come to the mall with me after school today Karyn? I could use some help finding an outfit." She asked Jon while casually touching his arm.
"I suppose I can. I was going to hang out with Jon after school. If you don't mind him tagging along I guess we could all go to the mall. He won't mind if you and I leave him for a while to look at some clothes."

"Sounds good. Jon is a really nice guy. I honestly don't know why you and him haven't hooked up yet. You guys are always hanging out. You told me about your feelings for him. Are you ever going to act on them?" Susan asked.

This was news to Jon. He and Karyn were indeed very close and he did sometimes wonder if he should make a move but he was just too scared of what it might do to their friendship. Having seen Karyn naked now he was certainly more attracted to her than ever. Knowing that she shared some feelings for him made him more open to the whole idea. Who knows, maybe this whole experience would bring them closer together.

Jon and Susan had to stop their conversation short as they arrived at their Maths class and Jon took his seat in Karyn's usual place. Entering the room was a different experience. Usually, he was just another face in the crowd and nobody took much notice of him but now he felt most of the eyes in the room on him. Particularly the male eyes. And they weren't looking at his eyes. Most of the boy's eyes were glued to his chest which made him self conscious. Ignoring it for now, Jon sat down and took out his book and pens waiting for the class to get started.

Jon had always been good at Maths. He was taking the advanced Maths class but Karyn was in the ordinary level class. This test should be fairly easy for him, despite his lack of preparation. He took his test sheet and got through it all fairly quickly. He was confident that he did fairly well. Karyn would owe him one for helping her grades. Not wanting to arouse any suspicion he waited until the end to hand in his test and then got on with the rest of his day.

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