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37. Who has it easier: Date?

36. Who has it easier: Shopping

35. Who has it easier: Lunch

34. Who has it easier: Maths

33. Who has it easier: Jon's morni

32. Who has it easier: Before scho

31. Who has it easier: Karyn's mor

30. Who has it easier: Bed

29. Who has it easier: Phone call

28. Who has it easier: After dinne

27. Who has it easier: Distracted

26. Who has it easier: Homework

25. Who has it easier: Meeting Up

24. Who has it easier: The end of

23. Who has it easier: The end of

22. Gym Class

21. Prelude to a Gym Class (cont.)

20. Karyn’s (Jon’s’) Final class o

19. Prelude to a Gym Class

18. Jon’s Afternoon

Who has it easier: Date?

on 2017-02-02 12:00:11

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It didn't take Susan long to finish up in the store and meet Jon out front. She told Jon that she would have to be getting home now as she had a lot of homework to do.

Jon decided to text Karyn and meet up with her before heading home himself. Karyn wasn't far away and Jon was happy to be back with her. She asked him how he got on, enjoying the fact that he had had to do something so decidedly girly. Jon told her about how boring he found the whole experience. He told her his surprise at how comfortable Susan was with him being in the such an intimate place as the changing room but he left out the part about seeing her underwear and helping her get dressed. Karyn's time alone had been far less eventful. She said she felt almost invisible walking around the mall. She didn't have the usual feeling of men stealing glances at her despite the fact that in Jon's clothes her breasts were bouncing all over the place.

They decided to leave the mall and head home. On the walk home Jon was plucking up the courage to talk to Karyn about the feelings he had for her. He felt encouraged due to the information he had learned from Susan about Karyn's mutual feelings for her. Trying to turn the subject to dating Jon told her how happy he was for Susan and Pete to be going on a date. He told her how excited Susan was about the idea.

Turning to Karyn he nervously told her that maybe they should go on a date sometime. He spoke of how well the two had always gotten on and how he would be lying if he said he didn't have feelings for her. His heart was racing and he was terrified that he had misread the situation.

He was quickly put at ease when Karyn turned to him with a shy smile on her face. She said she loved the idea but was worried that it might change their friendship. They were on a quiet street and stopped walking and just looked at each other. Jon suggested they try one date and if either of them is uncomfortable that they would just pretend it never happened and go back to just being friends. As Karyn agreed Jon took a step closer to her. They were now standing right beside each other. Jon stole a glance at Karyn's large breasts, loosely held in one of his t-shirts. He took her hand and looked deep into her eyes. Placing his hand gently on the back of her head he pulled her in for a kiss. It felt amazing. Years of friendship and love for each other had finally found an outlet. Karyn returned the kiss and put her hand on his shoulder. She ran her other hand down his back and gave his butt a squeeze. Rubbing her hand inside the waist of his jeans she rubbed his butt through the soft material of the panties that she was so familiar with. She broke the kiss and smiled at Jon. She let out a little giggle and said,
"I've been thinking about a moment like this for a long time but I never thought I'd be wearing your clothes and you mine. It's so odd to feel your butt inside a pair of soft, girly panties. Or to feel the bra strap, my bra strap on your shoulder. Maybe we should wait until the wish has worn off to go on our date. Do it properly?"

Jon disagreed. He wanted nothing more than to get out of these ridiculous clothes and jump on top of Karyn right then and there and he knew the moment might pass if they waited too long. He suggested to Karyn that for fun and in the spirit of her wish they should go on two dates. One before the wish expired and one more afterwards. What better way for him to get the full experience as a girl than to go on a date, he reasoned with her.

Karyn said she'd agree to it on one condition. Jon had to promise to go all out for the date, which meant makeup and a dress. For her part she agreed to play the part of a perfect gentleman, collecting him for the date and paying for everything.

Jon reluctantly agreed to her conditions. They would have to go for the date tomorrow night as Jon would be gone at the weekend. Karyn told him there were several dresses at the back of her closet that her mother kept trying to get her to wear and that she had all the makeup he would need in her room. To sweeten the deal she told him that she would use their time alone together to prepare him for the weekend with her family.

They had been walking along while discussing this and they were now outside Karyn's house. They agreed a time for the date tomorrow night and as Jon was leaving Karyn grabbed his hand and decided to give him a sample of her commitment to being a gentleman for their date. She reached up with one hand and held Jon's head just behind his ear and gave him another kiss. With a quick glance around to make sure no one could see them she reached down with her other hand and felt the growing erection in the tight pants Jon was wearing. She gave it a quick rub and broke the kiss. Quickly walking away she left Jon standing at the door to her house breathless and wanting more.

Gathering himself, Jon entered the house and ran straight up to Karyn's room. He needed to get these pants off before his erection burst the seams.

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