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236. Limit Break

235. Guidance

234. Blank Captured

233. A New Clan

232. Full Truth

231. Investigators

230. A Sit-Down

229. Sub-contract

228. Management

227. High handed

226. PEA Try 5

225. PEA Try 4

224. Very Scary

223. Second Death

222. Ashamed

221. The Link

220. PEA Try 3

219. PEA Try 2

218. PEA Try

217. The Results

Family Bonding

avatar on 2022-12-26 09:05:50

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Alexei came over the next day. When I saw him, I pulled him into a hug. He seemed a bit conflicted. "Hello, Father." he said. I nodded and smiled. "Hello. Come with me for a bit, Alexei. I have to introduce you to some others." I said. I guided him by the hand. Earlier, I had gathered all of my children together in the dojo. When we got there, I introduced them all to each other one by one. "They are all in your situation. Just as I am your biological father, I fathered these children as well. That makes all of them your siblings." He looked at them for a moment. They looked back at him. Alexei then turned to me. He looked pensive, almost nervous. "Does that mean that they have the same problem with... nocturnal emissions? My clanmates all scorn me for it." he asked. I put a hand on his shoulder. I said "I believe you would have to ask them about it. I have apartments for my members. I didn't ask them about it." I looked and asked "Do you sometimes find that your sheets are stained black or white when you wake!? It can happen to hybrids." Cassidy, Ashton and Kendall rose their hands.

I was not sure if that was all, or if they were the only ones that were honest about it. Riley and Lola were girls. That left out Corey. Alexei looked relieved. "Those are all called nocturnal emissions. It is a sign that your testicles are filled with genetic material. They can only hold so much so the excess is released during sleep. People call it a 'wet dream' because they usually get paired with a fantasy of mating. Does that sound familiar?" It was a bit of a challenge for me now as they were looking for me for a very serious talk. I was their parent, and I was expected to act like it. Corey and Lola raised their hands now. Riley just looked very confused. Maybe her reproductive functions were more similar to a PEA unit. There was no need to dig too deep in it. I put them in their teams. I then gave them their tasks for the week. They then got to work. At the same time, I had both the new Cold X-frames made. I had to replace those that had died. I got 2 of them from Neo-Rutten. They went and came back in just 2 weeks. I paired a Wind X-frame with the female and the Toxic X-frame with the female.

Breeding would take 9 weeks to get the units. That meant they had 11 weeks together. That was more than enough time. Because I had the experience of the last time, I knew that getting blue balls was a serious problem. That was something I wanted to spare my kids from. Giving a pair of nice PEA units the chance to be cumdumps for the kids was something I needed to back up with perks. I would let them in the clan and give them their own upgrades. That would bring our number of PEAs to 11. The units were kind of desperate at this point. At some point I was going to have to bring the other clan leaders in to take them. It was not fair to have them locked down here for eternity. The kids got to pick the 2 that they liked. I name one Kum and the other Dump. I really did not care about them at all. They could fuck the girls and get fucked by the boys. Neither had the upgrade so I did not have to worry about an unexpected pregnancy. My full PEA unit clan mates demanded to be given missions as well. I sighed and gave in. They and the hybrids alternated every 2 weeks. They hybrids were first.


Alexei had the lead at 15 missions. They others either were at 0 or at 2. The one with 2 were Ashton, Kendall, Riley and Corey. They were in the guild Lola and Cassidy were wards of their parents. They liked feeling important by educating their children but looked down on them. They never put forward their candidacy for the clan. I had asked them once or twice and I was told they still had a lot to learn. They did not have to be in the clan because they were my kids. Now, it made no sense not to induct them. They were happy to be part of the clan. The first 2 weeks were for the hybrids. Then the purebloods for the next 2. This gave them each 6 weeks of 12 missions. It was a total of 72. 72x2 was over 100. Adding the initial 5 percent, Alexei was at 149%. Ashton, Kendall, Riley and Corey were at 123%. Lola and Cassidy were at 119% now. The PEA units were all much higher than that. It was especially true of the ones with critical successes. Now when they came, it was gold and glittery. When the new AEP units came in, I gave them Blank's design. I let them have the original coloration.

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