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3. A dramatic difference

2. Some selfishness

1. You Are What You Wish

A Dramatic Difference

on 2010-03-16 07:22:14

2622 hits, 137 views, 0 upvotes.

Age Body Swap FTM Herm Inanimate MC Magic Musc Omni Super Unaware

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On his way down the hall Jon heard an odd sound from his sister's room. He paused outside her door and listened. There is was again, a low groan. Worried for her safety he opened the door, then froze at what he saw.

His younger sister Zoe was spread naked on her bed, almost naked at least. She wore a black leather corset that left her young, pert breasts exposed, her favorite knee-high boots, and her full goth make up, but what really freaked Jon out was the other girl eagerly licking Zoe's pussy. After a moment he recognized her as Athena, one of Zoe's Goth friends, but he was sure that they had been nothing more than friends.

Zoe moaned again at the pleasure, then noticed Jon at the door. "Get the fuck out!" She yelled at him and started throwing anything handy. Athena looked up and snarled at him, she was only wearing a spiked collar and his sister's juices.

Jon ducked as Zoe's alarm clock flew over his head and shut the door. He heard one of them mutter "Stupid fucking men," as he walked away in mild shock.

He walked down the stairs and into the kitchen to find his Dad making breakfast. "Don't annoy your sister, Jon," he Dad said without looking up from the eggs he was burning. Jon loved his father, but the man could not cook to save his life which is why his mother did all the cooking that required more than a run in the microwave.

"Um, sorry Dad. So where's Mom?" Jon asked, she was always up by now.

His father almost dropped the skillet at the question. He slowly turned with a strained expression. "Jon, I know this is hard and I don't understand it any more than you do. But your mother left us and there isn't anything we can do about that. She's made it clear that she wants to be with that Warren women and not with us, so we just have to pull together and keep on living."

Jon's jaw dropped and he sank into his chair. He did not even notice his father put some of the egg on his plate. His mother ran off with Julie Warren, the single 25 year old woman who lived up the street. And his sister had just spontaneously become a lesbian. Something was wrong and he had to figure out what.

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