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9. Observations about Elena

8. The aftermath

7. Elena Jefferies- a nice ditz

6. Templating

5. School Budget Crisis

4. School Assembly

3. The Next Morning

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Observation- Elena

on 2022-12-30 15:27:34

687 hits, 121 views, 2 upvotes.

Age FTM FTP Herm Magic Musc Myth NBM Omni TF Unaware

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Name: Elena Jefferies

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Height: 5' 5"

Weight: 130 pounds

B/W/H: 32-22-36

Pre-Experiment academic grades:

English: B

Math: C+ (D*)

History: C- (F*)

Science: A

Note: We were informed by the vice-principal, that the principal had some adjustments made to his daughter's grades.

Post-Experiment academic grades:

English: C-

Math: D

History: F

Science: B+

Note: Elena was oft distracted by researchers looking at her. Thus, it could've impacted her scores negatively.

Personality test:

Before Experiment: ESTJ

After Experiment: ESTJ

Interview excerpt:

Dr. Alan: Please state your full name, sex, and age.

Elena: Elena Jefferies, no, and 17.

Dr. Alan: Sorry, let me rephrase, state your gender.

Elena: Girl!

Dr. Alan: Thank you Elena. We're going to ask you a few questions about your life please answer to best of your ability.

Elena: Okie dokie.

Dr. Alan: Growing up where did you live?

Elena: When I was young, I first lived on Elm street, but I later moved to Main street to be closer to school.

Dr. Alan: How many people do you have in your immediate family?

Elena: My parents and me!

Dr. Alan: Do you know their names?

Elena: Yep.

Dr. Alan: Can you state it for the record?

Elena: Jennifer Jefferies and Bruce Jefferies.

Dr. Alan: How would you describe yourself at school?

Elena: It's really fun and I have lots of friends who are super nice to me.

Dr. Alan: What is the most fond memory you have from before you were 13?

Elena: When I was 8, me and Darian were playing hide and seek. I was hiding in a tree when suddenly a squirrel surprised me. I freaked out and fell. Like a hero, Darian caught me out of the tree.

Dr. Alan: Thank you, Elena.

Elena: No problemo!

Notes: Elena seems to small attention span issue. When not talking about things she is interested in, it can be hard to keep her focused. Thus, her polarizing grades could be due to ADHD. Suggest getting an official diagnosis.

Addendum: You may keep the note in about diagnosing her ADHD, but this seems unimportant to our research and fixing my son.

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