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23. Delia goes shopping

22. Annita wants to sew

21. Back home

20. Eating together

19. Ordering the meal

18. Heading to this date

17. Annita heads for church

16. Heading home

15. Annita comes out, now looking

14. Annita goes under the knife

13. Delia suggest plastic surgery

12. Annita wants a plumper body

11. Annita heads home

10. Punch and cookies

9. Annita makes it in time

8. Annita heads off to Church

7. Delia makes Ash up as a church

6. Delia decides to give Ash a ma

5. Ash goes to talk with his mom

4. Old Lady

Delia goes shopping

on 2023-01-01 13:28:32

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Outside, Delia let out a sigh. This whole experience had been a learning experience for her. To see her son turn into her mother had been absolutely surreal. They were well past the point of no return for Annita. Now, all that mattered was supporting Annita.

"Let's see now..." the 'mother' thought and headed for downtown Pallet. If her memory was correct, there should be a craft shop that had everything she would need. There was a clothing store right next to it. She had a good grasp on Annita's size, which should make it a cinch to increase her wardrobe. Maybe even wean her off wearing a bunch of her stuff. More wishful thinking than anything tangible.

Pushing that thought out of her head, she headed into the craft shop. Filled to the brim with a variety of fabric, paper and other materials, what should've been an easy task was looking to be anything but.

"Is there anything in particular you're looking for?"

Turning around, Delia found herself staring at the shopkeeper. An elderly lady, she couldn't be any older than Annita was presenting herself as. Dressed in a pink floral dress, what look to be nylons peek out from under the garment. Silvery white hair had been done back in a bun, while a pair of electric blue eyes in a wrinkled face looked her way.

"A yarn kit, actually." Delia answered, the old lady making her way around the counter and over to the far side of the store. There, a mountain of yarn balls in all kinds of sizes and colors awaited. "It's for an old lady. Anything in particular that would be good to start her out with?"

Looking about the selection, the shopkeeper's gaze focus on a hat kit with a ball of blue yarn on top of it. Picking it up, she handed it over to Delia.

"This hat kit is popular with the elderly, such as myself." the shopkeeper explained and got a nod from Delia. Then it was the mother's turn to look about the pile. In her case, that meant grabbing a couple balls of yarns to join the hat kit already in her hands. "Anything else?"

Delia shook her head.

"That should be everything." she remarked and made her way back over to the counter. Setting the yarn and kit on the counter, the mother made sure to pay for the stuff.

"I do hope your mother enjoys her knitting stuff." the shopkeeper announced and bagged the products up. Handing it over to Delia, the mother made her way out.

With that task done, it was onto her next destination - the clothing store. She was a woman on a mission. There was nothing that wou-

Passing by a poster, Delia's gaze shot over. There, someone was advertising old-fashion hearing aids. Still in working order, perfect for any old lady.

"Okay. They're right by the clothing store. Good." the mother thought and picked up her pace. No real use in standing around. She had places to get too.

As it would turn out, the place offering up the hearing aids was more of a stall than an actual storefront.

"There you go, miss." the person running the shop explained, Delia already putting down the necessary money. If Annita wanted to be the best elderly woman she could be, then her hearing needed to take a couple hits. Maybe in the future they could also get a set of glasses. The retro sort. But that could wait.

The clothing store was thankfully a breeze. Heading to the far end of the store, Delia got to picking out a variety of outfits for Annita. A couple housecoats and sets of granny undergarments followed. No shoes though. That would be something they would need to be together for.


Checking out with the new duds, it was time to head home. She had kept Annita waiting long enough.

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