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28. Annita gets into a routine

27. The next day

26. Switch to Delia

25. Annita does some knitting

24. Back home

23. Delia goes shopping

22. Annita wants to sew

21. Back home

20. Eating together

19. Ordering the meal

18. Heading to this date

17. Annita heads for church

16. Heading home

15. Annita comes out, now looking

14. Annita goes under the knife

13. Delia suggest plastic surgery

12. Annita wants a plumper body

11. Annita heads home

10. Punch and cookies

9. Annita makes it in time

Falling into routine

on 2023-01-01 13:32:01

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With each day that passed, Annita found herself falling into a routine. She would wake up, get dressed and then make sure to turn her hearing aids on. Depending on whether or not it was a church day, Annita would either grab her bible and head for the church.

But if it was not a church day, she would instead head downstairs and get a cup of coffee. With her sleep schedule, Delia was almost always up before the church lady. A fact that Annita tried to use to her advantage.

"Good morning, dear." she greeted, Delia setting her coffee cup down. Focusing on her mother, the temptation to crack a smile hung tight over her. While the mother had her doubts, the state that Annita was in more than made up for it. Her body had definitely softened out, cellulite and other signs of aging coming into focus. Which wasn't even getting into the hearing aid training. Annita's ears were most definitely deaf at this point. Ludita had definitely noticed as well, making a comment about it when she dropped off Annita the other day. "How are you feeling?

Annita grabbed her coffee cup and turned to her daughter.

"Quite wonderful." the church lady answered and poured herself a cup of coffee. Such a wonderful daughter she had.

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