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11. Into the mosque

10. Annita follows the woman

9. Annita runs into a muslim woma

8. Annita heads off to Church

7. Delia makes Ash up as a church

6. Delia decides to give Ash a ma

5. Ash goes to talk with his mom

4. Old Lady

3. Lifestyle Adjustment

2. Ash's Metamorphosis

1. The Drafting Board

Into the mosque

on 2023-01-01 13:38:33

125 hits, 14 views, 0 upvotes.

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Compared to everything else in Pallet Town, the mosque made no compromises when it came to fitting in with the rest of the buildings. Taller than perhaps even the church she had originally planned to go to, the domed roof shined in the early morning light.

"This is the place." the woman explained and got a nod from Annita. Walking over to the side door, the pair passed through. Inside, an ornate rug was the first of many things to greet them. A variety of women dressed much like the one who brought her here were sitting about the area, their attention on other things currently. "We can sit here."

Annita nodded and sat herself down. Once she did, her attention turned to her companion. Currently looking to the floor, she did the same. Doing her best to copy, Annita was fairly certain nothing she had said was even close to what had been said. Not that it mattered currently.

For some reason, she felt... modest. One reason or another, she wanted to keep coming to this place. Better yet, she would need a whole new wardrobe to complement this choice. But that could wait.

"Thank you." she greeted and got a nod from her companion, the pair heading out.

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