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3. Jon and Karyn in the Game

2. Halo

1. You Are What You Wish

He wished Karyn and himself into the game

on 2010-05-28 21:29:11

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Jon thought for a minute and then, coming to a decision, held the stone up, "I wish that me and my friend Karyn could be part of the video game Halo!"

It wasn't until after he said his wish, that Jon realized he hadn't specified which Halo game he and Karyn would be in--he didn't even know if they would appear in the same game.Uh-oh..., Jon thought to himself as the stone began to warm.

The stone began to glow and Jon had the urge to close his eyes, which he did. As he started to turn back around, he suddenly realized that he wasn't in his room anymore, in fact he wasn't even in his house anymore. For one thing: his house didn't have a jungle in it, nor did it have a giant of a man in battered green armor, lying sprawled in a crater, with his arms sticking up in the air. (Can you guess which one Jon is in now!)

"I can't believe it..." a voice said, startling Jon from his daze long enough to realize that it was him who had spoken.

Jon nearly jumped out of his armor, Jon found himself suited up in a UNSC Marine's standard combat fatigues and armor, when a hand landed on his shoulder. Jon turned his head to see a man with a lit cigar held in his hand, looking down at him with fatherly concern in his dark eyes.

"Alright there, son?" the man asked softly in a deep, rough voice.

Jon thought he was going to faint, "N-no...I-I mean, yes sir, Sergeant Major!" he managed to stutter while he raised the Battle Riffle in his arms in a saluting gesture.

Avery Johnson stared down at the young Marine for a few seconds, This boy looks no older than seventeen, he thought to himself. He then nodded his head and walked over toward where the medic was waving to get his attention.

Jon just stood there staring after one of his favorite characters in the game, thinking that nothing else could surprise him, other than finding Karyn...Jon's eyes widened as his face paled.

KARYN!? How could I have forgotten about Karyn? Jon began glancing around, looking for his blonde-haired friend, Dang it! Where could she be?

The appearance of a friendly behind him on his HUD almost made him jump again. Jon was about to turn around and say something, when a voice, that sounded familiar and different at the same time, spoke softly in his ear.

"Hello Jon, it's been a long time..."

Jon quickly spun around to face the person behind him and his eyes widened in shock, "K-Karyn?"

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