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3. Jon Wants A Doctor


1. You Are What You Wish

The Wishing Stone Paradox Part 1

on 2017-05-14 19:24:41

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Age Animal FTM Herm Omni

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Jon's eyes fell upon a poster just above his bed. The skinny man in a blue suit and trench coat met his gaze with folded arms and serious eyes.

Karyn followed Jon's eyes. "Jon, tell me your not seriously considering wishing the Doctor into existence."

"Why not?" Jon asked. He rolled the stone around in his hand. "Think about it, Karyn. All of time and space! And we could do it with the most exciting person ever!"

"Yeah, and we'd have Daleks or Cybermen invading every other day, too. I've seen the show, Jon."

"If you've seen the show, then you know the Doctor always fixes everything in the end," Jon said matter-of-factly. "Besides, we've got this." He held up the stone. "We'll just wish nothing bad happens to us or something."

"That's rather reckless coming from someone who said he was afraid of the thing just yesterday."


Karyn raised her arms. "Alright. Go ahead and do it. You're right, this could be fun. But just make sure you word it right. I don't want to end up turning into a Cyberman."

Jon grinned. "I wish that, with as little changes to our lives as possible, the Doctor Who universe existed in our universe and that the Doctor would visit our town later today." Then, with a cheeky grin, he added, "I also wish that Karyn won't turn into a Cyberman."

The stone flashed.

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