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14. The Fence

13. A Rumble

12. Kapik High

11. First Job

10. Same Boat

9. A Layer

8. My Stats

7. The Bros

6. Directions

5. My Looks

4. The World

3. Layer


1. The Future of Gaming

Selling Eggs

avatar on 2023-01-09 07:12:23

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Once 4 of them got knocked down, the others ran away from us. Bryce, Brock and Brett were still huffing and puffing too. They got a lot of damage done to them. They seemed to like me more for helping them. I asked them if they wanted to go sit down. Brock and Brett shook their heads. Brock said "Uhh... no. We... uh... We need to go to the bathroom." Brett nodded and they went together to the nearest public restroom. I looked confused. Bryce looked at me unconcerned. "The twins have really bad stomachs. They go over to the bathroom together in the afternoon. Or right after a fight. It sucks." he said. I bet that Bryce's Intelligence stat was pretty low. I said "I can go for a piss break too. See you later." He rolled his eyes and said "I'll just sit here alone in the open then." I left him and followed after the twins. When I got there, I did not announce myself. The door was open because it was a public bathroom. I could see that both of them were in the handicap stall. I went inside quietly. I got in the stall next to them and closed the door. could them each take turns grunting and squatting down.

Both of them were laying eggs. Once they were both done, they flushed the toilet and quickly left the bathroom. I waited a minute before leaving myself. When I joined up with them on the field, both of them were looking scared of me. I was not going to out them or anything. Bryce smiled and said "You missed it! The twins found eggs in the bathroom handicap stall. There must have been a layer in there before them!" I just said "That's interesting. I just did my business and got out of there." Bryce said "I know a guy that buys them. We can go and get some good money for them." I was then roped along to go with them to the fence. It was in the same shady area of the city as the gym. It was only 2 blocks away. The Bros got $3,000 for it. That was a nice price. I would probably need to keep mine so I could sell them for money. I could actually make bank. Then I would be able to actually move into an apartment building in the city. Having a motel room was not as good as my own place. We hung out for a bit before Bryce had to leave. The twins were not very comfortable with me as before.

It was fine with me. The twins were not willing to let me go so easily. "That's alright. We are going to hang out for a bit. We need to talk about something with him." Bryce nodded and walked away. Both Brock and Brett wrapped their arms around my waist and smiled maliciously. "Let's go to your place." Brett said. Brock added "We have to talk." I just nodded and said "Sure. Let's go." I led them to my motel room. Once we were in there, they were pissed off. They demanded to know what I had seen and heard in the bathroom. I told them not to worry. "I'm a layer like you guys." They looked like they did not believe me. "Prove it then." Brock demanded. I nodded and took a squat. I was able to get the egg out by the 4th pattern. They were convinced. I felt that I had another egg inside me. I knew that I had a fertility specialty. I did not know what that meant though. Looking back at the menu, it made me 50% more fertile. You could not have half an egg spawn in you. Therefore, I would lay 2 eggs every other day. I was totally fine with that. It would make it easier to make money. I laid that one as well.

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