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253. Late Game

252. Demonstration

251. Explosion

250. Keith's AEP

249. AEP Break

248. Strongarm

247. Integration

246. AEP Party

245. Vassal AEPs

244. New AEP

243. Overextention

242. Niko Family

241. Working On

240. Delegations

239. Confederate

238. Champion

237. Preparations

236. Setting Up

235. Confederacy

234. Complaints

Rescuing Champion

avatar on 2023-01-10 18:03:30

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Anthro Body Swap MTF Omni Part Theft SciFi Super

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Aubrey brought their XX-frame to the front of the line. When we got to the launch pad, they stepped on and grabbed onto metal hooks in the wall. It was part of the large launching apparatus. Once the rocket pack extended the wings to its full length, all of us would wait for the initial ignition and lift off. Once a height of 20 feet had been achieved, the hooks in the wall would launch them straight up the 300 feet wall at a very terrifying speed. This was to prevent collision with the wall. It also helped them achieve an altitude conducive for flying. Now that Aubrey had latched onto the hooks, Paul gave her a countdown. As he counted, the wings extended, and we saw their mecha's feet begin to glow red and then white hot from the flames. It lifted and met the 20 feet threshold. It then shot into the air. "We have liftoff!" Paul yelled. Everyone in the hangar complex began cheering wildly. We had a radio connection to them from an underground mission control tower. We had them do a lap around Dwan Town and then to Heat Clan and back. Once they returned to base, they descended down the hole.

It was controlled and slow. Once they reached the platform, the engines were cut off and they struck a victorious peace sign. Brett apparently taught them all to do that. It was pretty cute. All the others wanted to try it. We were not going to make it easy for the government to find the facility. It would also put the hangars that Lightning Clan commandeered at risk as well. "We all drew lots. Robin and Champion were solo, so only they can complain. You all got 2 tries at the opportunity." Brett scolded. That got most of them to back down. Robin and Champion took Brett at his word. They both looked at Paul, Brett and I. They knew we had all the power. No matter how much they tried to charm us, we held firm. They went back to the hangars so they could put the XX-frames away for now. Now that we were in the control tower, we could hear something was going on with the hangar Champion was in. It sounded like he was really scared at the moment. "They are banging on the cockpit. Can someone help me out!?" he said. I groaned and told him to sit tight. I had to go to the hangar. It took 10 minutes.

Star 03 and Beer 02 were indeed banging on the cockpit. "Come on out! We want to talk to you!" Star 03 said. I said "Hold on. What is going on here!?" They pretended to not hear me. "Let him out already. Champion is getting scared." They looked at me and then each other. Both of them were not going to back down. "We want to take this one. He was barely able to pilot it this time." Beer 02 told me. Star 03 added "If he was not using it, one of us could pilot it. And either of us could do it better." I rolled my eyes. He was doing fine. Then again, all he had to do was walk in a straight line. Who knew if the unstable hybrid could get it in the air and fly it correctly? "This was a simple XX-frame that was made for him. I will not let this one be taken from him. Please leave. Or I will have a long talk with your clan leaders about this." I threatened with a menacing tone. They backed off immediately. I was able to see Champion emerge from the big cockpit. "Thank you." he said. I saw that he was leaking some nanites. I shook my head. "Don't worry. You're my son. I'll do everything I can to support you."

He smiled and went off to do his own thing. I went down on the other end of the platform. That was it for the demonstration. We had promised to throw a party for them. It was the least that we could do. Our notification from the other clans were ringing off of the hook in the main hall. Since no one seemed to want to answer, I had to. Our allied clans gave us some congratulations. The clans that hated us warned us to watch our step. Heat Clan and Pierce Clan were all pretty jealous that we got ours done first. I promised them that they were going to be done soon. They just grunted in agreement. Once that was all over, I joined the party. All of the AEP units were happy with the results and could not wait to need to get back to work. I doubted that we would need them yet. Heat Clan and Radioactive Clan were too strong right now to need defending. Maybe if the government launched a full assault on us or our allies. I would be fine with obliterating all those foolish to try that. Christopher and Aubrey asked if they could leave for a while. I told them it was all fine with me. They left together.

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