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6. The Merman

5. The Cove

4. Observing

3. Dusty Cove


1. The Future of Gaming

Goldtail Tribe

avatar on 2023-01-10 18:26:54

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Another merman sighed and said "It's not worth it. Him being immature does not stop what we are here to do. Focus on yourselves." The mermen looked very similar to one another. All of them had 2-toned blond hair and green eyes. Their fishtails were thick with powerful muscles and wrapped in tight, shiny golden scales. The upper body that was human was light skinned. While half of them were covered up with a tight black sleeveless shirt, the other half were shirtless. None of them had nipples. I guessed mermaids did not carry live young then. If that was the case, they would have had to come from eggs. I decided that I did not want to be standing behind this giant rock anymore. I was staring at them like a massive creep. I did not want to scare them either. I approached slowly and said "Hello!? Is anyone there!?" I asked. All six of them were fully alert with the call and immediately drew some very sharp looking brass tridents. It was intimidating to say the least. I raised my arms and said "I don't mean you any harm!" They simply glared at me. "Look at that. It's a human." one said.

Pointing at me with the trident, another merman said "He has legs!" They all began staring at my legs. At least they were not immediately hostile towards me. I looked at all of them and said "My name is David Roberts. I am a fisherman, and I was exploring the coastline because I'm new to this area. I found this place by mistake." They looked at each other. I saw the gestures that they were making with their hands. They did not seem to believe me at the moment. The best thing to do was to stay very still and not make any sudden movements. The one that was slapping his tail rolled his eyes and turned to me. "Human. My name is Joel. We are of the Goldtail Tribe." he said. The others shushed him, and one said "Stop trying to interfere with the coming-of-age ceremony. One more disturbance and I'll put you down myself." the one that was initially triggered by Joel's antics said. "Don't worry about it, Jesse. He doesn't have a choice. I will deal with him, so you can just deal with Jude." Joel turned to him and said "Bold words, Jeremy. I hope you can back it all up in combat." Jeremy smirked.

I could immediately tell that the group was dysfunctional. They could barely stand each other when I was watching them from behind the rock. I said "Is there something wrong? I don't know much about mermen, but if you want to talk about your feelings, I can listen to you." One of them that had not spoken before looked at me harshly for a moment before saying "Fine." I then got his name. He was Jared and he was the leader of this cohort. The biggest that a party could get was 6 people. That was why they were all here. It is tradition for mermen that come of age to go on a trip together with a selection of their tribal spawn mates. They were to go off for a full month and experience the full moon together. "The moon at full power can grant a miracle. Chief among them, granting merkin to be able to walk upon the land." Most tribes used this time to lure humans, usually of the opposite sex, to the water and convert them by forcible drowning. That was rough. "When is the full moon? I have honestly lost track." I asked them. They all gave me malicious smiles. "Tonight." Jared said. Okay then.

From that smile, I would probably be a target if they got their legs. However, there was more lore that was causing friction in the group. Joel let me in on it. "Because of a curse cast generations ago by an old sea hag, all of the guppies of Goldtail Tribe are born male. When they come of age, the first partner they have determines their true sex. If taken as a female, they become female in sexual characteristic." he said. "Like what!?" I asked. I was not following that. Jude answered me. "The loss of the ability to achieve an erection. The penis will invert into a womb for laying eggs. Our breasts will also grow to be more pleasing to potential mates." he explained. That sounded even rougher. Jesse said "For that reason the whole tribe is trained in both combat and domestic affairs. The best of the best warriors and caregivers are chosen to become the sex that would suit the role. Others can challenge their roles to be the one that they would prefer with a fight." Jeremy said "Those who lose to another male must become female. Therefore, Jethro Joel and Jude wear the ceremonial tunic for modesty."

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