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12. Two Roles

11. Feminization

10. Helping Jethro

9. Male Joel

8. Helping Joel

7. The Tribe

6. The Merman

5. The Cove

4. Observing

3. Dusty Cove


1. The Future of Gaming

Jared and Jesse

avatar on 2023-01-10 18:42:18

133 hits, 7 views, 0 upvotes.

Age Animal Anthro Aware FTM Inanimate MTF Part Swap Part Theft

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This was a problem of Jesse's own making. All that he had to do was wait a bit. If they were right, they would get their human legs in a few in-game hours. Jared looked at me and said "Are you willing to mate with the both of us here? That would be easy to resolve the problem." I did not think I had it in me to get fucked by both of them. I was already way too tired now. "I want to, but I can't." You saw my ass; I can't fit you guys in me without wearing me out. Your dicks are like more than twice my size. It's not fair." I whined. Jesse said "That's not my problem, human! I was given a role partner. You stole our role partners! This is all your fault. I don't want to wait and be the last guppy of the cohort." Jared flipped him over and pressed the weight of his tail over the stunned merman. Jared frowned and said "If you don't want to wait for it, I can make you a female, Jesse. We only have one in the cohort now. I can at least bring 2 of them home to the tribe if we do that." Jesse glared with hatred and said "Not if I can make you a female first!". He bucked his hips and made Jared glare back at him. "Fine!"

Crashing their tails together was not something I had never seen before. Jeremy and Jude were doing it when they were mating. Jared and Jesse were different. They were biting, scratching and hissing at each other as they did it for a minute straight. Jesse was the smallest merman out of the 6, but he was definitely going shot for shot with Jared. He was totally fueled by rage and short guy energy. Jared was the ultimate warrior though. He did not even look like it hurt when Jesse drew blood. They both were guppies, so it was anyone's shot to win. Jared had the height and weight advantage, so Jesse could not get from under him. Still they were both locked in a huge struggle for dominance and pleasure. It lasted for 5 more minutes. When they were both fully erect, Jared pinned Jesse by the neck with a single forearm. Jesse hissed angrily and trashed frantically with his tail but could not escape him. It was just like with Jeremy. "Now to place myself in your anus. You brought this on yourself!" Jared said as he reached down for his dick. Jesse did the same. "Not if I do it first!" Jesse snapped.

It was a bit of a race. Jesse was in a bit more awkward position. Once he was in place, a well-timed thrust allowed Jared to fully penetrate the furious merman under him with little resistance. However, at almost the same time, he was penetrated by Jesse. Both were fully hilted in the other. "What are you doing, Jesse!? You lost fairly. Get out of my anus!" Jared demanded. Jesse glared up at him. "I was the one who penetrated first, Jared. You have to get out of me!" he spat. Both mermen were now surrounded by a lavender glow. "If that's they way you want to do it, I'll just mate the female role inside you." Jared declared as he began to rock his hips back and forth with a measured purpose. Jesse moaned a bit before bucking up to meet his thrusts. They only could go for a minute with both ends being abused. When they reached their peak, Jared pulled out and just flopped on his back next to a panting Jesse. He was just as exhausted by the contest as the smaller merman. The changes began to take place. Their pecs puffed up a bit to A-cup breasts. Their 11 inch dicks lost half their size.

Both of the fish dicks receded partially before stopping. There was a fleshy noise before both Jared and Jesse began groaning in agony. We were all watching as blood began to seep into the water near them. I crawled over to them to investigate. Their genital slits had largened on either side by an inch. There was a new hole there that was also bleeding. I was stunned. Instead of their dicks inverting into a vagina, they lost half their length and got a new vagina to grow right below the anus. They were now hermaphrodites. It would explain the lavender aura that surrounded them. "What is it?" Jared asked, covering his face to hide the pain he was going through. I told them what I saw. "Looks like because you were taken and taking at the same time, you have both roles. You have both a male and female part." Jared glared at Jesse with pure hatred. "You have robbed me of my true role! How will I be able to be leader if I have the female role!" Jesse was smirking. "Calm yourself. You still have your male organ. We can be warriors and care for some guppies sometimes. It will be fine." he said.

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