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15. Crisis Point

14. Lauren

13. Shannon

12. Mom

11. Mischief

10. Getting to Know Your Character

9. Getting to Know Georgia

8. The Bible

7. Georgia on My Mind

6. Zoe...yet not

5. On the Set

4. Waking Up Elsewhere

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

On the Set: Crisis Point

on 2023-01-15 10:26:51

505 hits, 86 views, 1 upvotes.

Aware FTP SciFi

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Jon curled up into the bed in his apartment. He'd had a great evening with Lauren. She was funny, pretty, down to bothered him that he hadn't met her under different circumstances, especially when she dropped him off, and gave him a little chaste peck on the cheek before he left the car. Georgia was right, Lauren was the sweetest person.

He woke up to the sound of someone ringing his doorbell, and blurrily stumbled toward the door, noticing it wasn't early, but he didn't have to be in till late. "Who is it?"

"Georgia...did you see the news?"

He opened the door. "What news?"

"Oh, I woke you...sorry, I thought you would have been up" Georgia said. "It is all over the web..."

"What is?"

She turned her phone around to reveal the page she was on. "Shannon was arrested last night. She was at a club, and then ran into a parked car driving home. The police found drugs in her car."

"Is she all right?" Jon asked.

She paused. "She is in a lot of trouble, Jonathan. But it is all of her own making. But...if they cancel the show because of this...we could all be in a lot of trouble as well."

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