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7. Not all bad news

6. What Jon's dumb wish did.

5. Further Developements

4. Things between the legs change

3. Something interesting with Kar

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Not all bad news

on 2018-05-17 01:52:51
Episode last modified by bigbustgazer on 2019-01-14 21:21:54

5147 hits, 316 views, 8 upvotes.

Anthro Body Swap MTF Magic Omni Part Swap SciFi Super Unaware

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The final information shoved into their awareness was that no one would find their change strange, people would notice that Jon now had a fairly large pair of boobs, but they wouldn't change how they treated him, unless they happen to find men with boobs particularly attractive.

Anyone who noticed Karyn's bulge would still act like she's a girl. Even anyone who saw Jon naked would still treat him as a boy. People would be aware that they had changed. Their doctors wouldn't be telling Karyn to go to gynecologist, but probably will send Jon to one.

People will notice the changes and simply take them in stride, if logically something needs to be done differently now, people will take that into account, but otherwise Jon and Karyn can go on with their social lives with the same social roles they've always had, at least as far as most people are concerned. This effect is even something that they carry with them, so it isn't limited by the range of the stone, it applies to everyone they interact with instantly, even over the internet.

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