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3. At The Funeral

2. ending a hopeless life

1. You Are What You Wish

The Light at the End of a Very Morbid Tunnel

on 2010-10-15 21:02:50

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"I can't believe he's gone," Zoe said, staring off into space, as her mother hugged her tight.

Karyn felt sorry for her. Yeah, Karyn never really got along with her and Zoe never really got along with Karyn (truthfully, Zoe never got along with anyone, except her friends), but it really did seem like maybe Jon's Goth sister wasn't as bad as anyone thought. She really did miss Jon. Maybe not as much as Karyn or maybe Jon's mother, but she did miss him.

No one knew the reasons for Jon's suicide. None of the usual signs were present. He was outgoing, he had friends (mainly Karyn), he was good at school, he wasn't into drugs. He was just a normal average teenage boy. All of this seemed like it came out of left field.

But Karyn had a theory. There's one thing people didn't know about and that was the wishing stone. Perhaps Jon accidentally made a wish that caused him to kill himself. Surely, Jon wouldn't normally have suicidal thoughts.

Karyn walked up to the casket and looked at her longtime friend Jon Gibson. He looked so peaceful lying there. But he wasn't peaceful. He was dead.

She turned away suddenly, trying to hide her tears. How could he do this to himself? Nothing was so bad that you had to resort to suicide. And with something like the wishing stone, surely he could have wished all of his problems away. It just didn't make any sense.

Speaking of the wishing stone, Karyn made plans to search Jon's house for it. From what she knew, it wasn't found where Jon's body was. Perhaps it was still in his bedroom? Part of her didn't want to go there. It just felt way too creepy. But if she could get her hands on the stone, maybe she could wish Jon back to life. His family didn't deserve to suffer through his death. And neither did Karyn.

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