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3. Jon's In!

2. Harem-U

1. You Are What You Wish

Harem-U: Jon's In!

avatar on 2010-10-25 03:12:23

1744 hits, 89 views, 1 upvotes.

Aware Herm Part Swap SciFi

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The letter, of course, told Jon of his acceptance to the university he had just wished into existence. What surprised him, however, was the timeline that the school had given him.

To Jon Gibson,
Harem University is pleased to accept you as a student for the coming year. As a male student at H.U. you will be among the elite of the world. You have been chosen from thousands. Since there are many things we ask of our male students that we cannot ask of our regular student population, tuition is free, and so is room and board. All of your needs, financial, logistical, even emotional will be taken care of.
There is a car waiting outside your house right now. The driver will wait for ten minutes. Please pack anything you would like into one suitcase. Everything else will be provided for you.
Again, welcome to Harem University.

Jon handed the letter to his mother. She quickly scanned it, squealed in delight, then barked at him. "Get moving! You only have ten minutes!"

She threw him a duffel bag from his closet floor, then they collectively stuffed clothing, toiletries, and a few pictures into it. Jon made sure to put his magic rock into his pocket; it wouldn't do to leave that behind.

The bag zipped up, his mother beaming with pride, Jon bolted for the door to the waiting car, ready to begin his new life.

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