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245. Missions

244. Our PEAs

243. PEA Squad

242. 1st Unit

241. PEA Lab

240. A Division

239. Wise Man Inc.

238. Competition

237. Challenge

236. Status Quo

235. Confederacy

234. Complaints

233. Exiled

232. Impregnate

231. Trial Run 2

230. Trial Run

229. Foreplay

228. Stalling

227. The Fight 2

226. The Fight

Sending them Out

avatar on 2023-01-19 09:36:39

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As they settled in, I went down to see what else was going on around in the clan building. It did not take too much time for something to happen. Christopher and Aubrey approached me and demanded that I face him. I sighed and told him that I would face him in the clan dojo. It was built for sparring. It might as we be used at a time like this. When I got there, I asked him why he wanted to fight me. Christopher crossed his arms and said "Abandoning us to get rid of androids you brought to us is bad." If he felt that way, it was up to him. I could not argue with that. Christopher walked up to me and said "I think you should step down as engineer for the clan." I shook my head no. "06-001 really influenced you two, huh?" I asked. It was their turn to shake his head. "That traitor has no sway on us." Aubrey snapped. I scoffed and said "You can't say that. You were so close." Christopher looked really pissed off. "I'll fight you for the clan engineer position." he said. I looked at him. He told me that with a really determined look on his face. He flexed his armor plating to intimidate. It did not work out.

I reached my hand out to put it gently on his shoulder. He caught it and said "I'm serious, Brianne. Stand down and let me do it. Contrary to everything it looks like, I don't want to hurt you." I rolled my eyes. "I'm not leaving my post. I also think that it is not the time or place to have useless in-fighting. I have lots of work to do and we have the next stage of evolution on the horizon." Christopher let go of my hand and said "It's all your fault. You wouldn't be scrambling now if you had been doing the work already." I sucked my teeth. I did not want to deal with him or their bullshit at the moment. "Guys. Go to your room. I do not have time for childish temper tantrums right now." I told them. He raised his fists and said "Fine then. I warned you enough. I will fight for the engineer position." He then went hostile to me. I was pretty surprised, but I was fine with it. 1 on 1, I was pretty much unbeatable. He gave me a run for my money. He was able to run and dash about. He was able to drain my health with his radioactive organ. Then he used his plasma cannon from his chest to try and blast me.

Christopher wanted to win this badly. He could not keep up with me though. I still had my magic to heal myself. When he lost, I bent him over my knee. "You are being punished. You better not armor up. I will hit you harder if you do." I then began to spank him. I gave a light 25 spanks. It was more of a mental damage as he was being treated like a human baby. When I was done, I pushed him off of me and told him to go to his room. He refused and demanded a rematch. I looked at him and said "Did I really do something to get on your bad side? You attacked me before I was ready and everything. What's wrong? I can change if something is bothering you." The AEP unit was upset. "I want the position. If you won't give it to me, I'll have to take it." I sighed and said "Fine. We can go one more round. But that's it." He nodded and we fought. Aubrey was watching silently. He was genuinely trying to kill me this time. To be fair, that was the only way he would have the slightest chance at winning against me. The murderous intent aside, it still was not enough to defeat me. I demolished him.

This all seemed to crush his morale. Christopher decided to sulk for a bit, but the plans were still coming along. He really resented the fact that I was still an officer. That was fine with me. Aubrey skulked too. I gave it a couple of in-game days but there were no signs of any PEA specific missions. Apparently, the normal PEP mission listings did not count towards their total. It was way beneath them. However, there was an exploit that I found and then abused. As a clan officer, I could assign members on clan missions. As it was deemed "important by the clan" those were equally as valid as the ones the transmission hub offered. Clans were pretty autonomous in that way. They were already at 5 missions. I just gave them all busy work to do. That was really what clan missions came down to at the end of the day. Rearranging the 2 gardens were 2 missions. Giving me inventory of all the things in the labs was valid as I was clan engineer. I ostensibly needed to know that. That was another 3. I could not send them on the same mission twice in a row though. There was a cooldown on them.

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