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3. Sydney and the Key

2. And so it also begins

1. You Are What You Wish

Sydney and the Key

on 2010-11-09 19:45:14

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"To whom it may concern

I don't know who you are or how much time I have but please hear me out. My name is Gregory Gibson and what if I told you magic was real.

Listen to me I own a magical artifact which to put simply is a wishing stone, I gave that to my grandson but it is not the only magic in this world. I am part of an organization called the Knights of the Decahedron, We maintain the secrets this world and are preparing it for when those secrets can be unveiled. If you are watching this I must be dead and you have been magically chosen as my replacement "

I crumpled up the note and threw it away, this guy was a nutter, I went to through out the note when an ornamental key fell out.

I should introduce myself I am Sydney Parks But go by Sid and I am a high school student, I moved to a small town about six months ago with my family. I have a girlfriend Kylie and my cousin Jonny is my best friend I also have to deal with a bully named Ed McMillan and his girlfriend Lena Farber who is honestly much worse I cave a scare just over my left eye from the last time I got on her bad side, if required seven stitches.

If I had known then what I known know I would never have thrown away that letter & the Key which opens a person and allows you to alter them physically & mentally right down to their core would of remained locked away.

I stuffed it in my pocket with intent to give it to my girlfriend and headed to school.

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