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Main Hall Battle

avatar on 2023-01-21 12:25:11

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It was not me that walked my body into the elevator. The android and my body rode down together. Christopher and Aubrey were there in the Main Hall, and they ran to us. "You really brought an android here!? I knew it! You can't be trusted!" Christopher screamed. Both of them went hostile to us. The android sighed and gave them both a pimp slap that put them down in critical health. "I'm just here to inspect the clan building for signs of tampering from Devils." They looked at each other confused. They did not know what that was it seemed. The android walked around them and pulled out a scanner. Appraising the main hall, he said "It's clear that Devils made this main hall by spawning it in. It was upgraded to this size naturally." He forced me to follow him. He was able to scan all the rooms that Brett and Paul spawned in. Most of it was legitimate though. I paid the price for not having good enough sense in the planning as clan engineer. When he had scanned every room on every floor, he pressed my belly button. It was like I was snapped back to my body with a rubber band. It felt weird.

Christopher launched himself at me. He really had a grudge against me. Aubrey went after the android. I was tackled to the ground and he quickly straddled me. I put my arms up to defend myself from his fists. I was able to just block his heavy blows. I kneed him in the back multiple times until he let me go. He was not able to keep hitting me in that position with the damage I was doing. He tried to switch positions, but I countered him and scurried to my feet. He raised his arm and his nanites formed the plasma cannon. "I wish I did not have to do this to you, Brianne. Our sires really respect and adore you." Christopher said with a regretful expression. I rolled my eyes. "If it makes you that upset, Christopher, you can just stop it. You know I won't attack you in the back if you leave right now." I promised. He fired the canon. I hit the deck. All bets were off now. We were really going to have to fight it out. Aubrey was already defeated by the android. The android said "This won't do. There were obviously Devil influences, but I can't determine who did what or where they were." "Then get lost." I said.

Aubrey raised her cannon at him and tried to blast him. The android just slapped her arm, and the shot went off course. He frowned and said "Looks like I will have to immobilize you." he said. He placed both palms in front of her and we all heard a weird sound. Christopher held his head in pain. Aubrey tried to move but could not. She cried out in a mix of anger and fear. "I am equipped with technology to lock your nanites in place. This was going to be a countermeasure for an AEP Devil avatar or an ambush using them against me." Since Christopher was not in the direct line of fire, he was able to move. He was sluggish though. He aimed his cannon at the android. I let him do it. This was all totally fine with me. If Christopher killed the android that was fine with me. If Christopher died, that was 1 less rival in the clan. Paul and Brett would not be back for a while. Mason and I had to keep order among all the cyborgs here in the clan. Aubrey and Christopher were already poisoned by 06-001's rhetoric and sexual seduction to his cause. At this point, it might be better to just get rid of them both.

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