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252. First Try

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233. Exiled

Alpha and Connie

avatar on 2023-01-21 12:37:20

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From 5 to 9.9% the nanites were black. It looked like an awesome oil spill. From 10% to 19.9% they were white. At 20% they turned red. At 30% yellow. Then green, blue and purple. At 70%, the memory nanites turned brown and then bronze at 80%. Next was silver at 90%. It became gold and sparkly at 100%. The memory chips that were produced had the same color scheme. Even when you had a nice chip, you could always upgrade it by going on missions. If you died, you were resurrected with all of the progress you had when that chip was made. We were going to go straight down the line for this. Alpha walked up to Connie. I started with Alpha first. I was a bit anxious. I did not know how it was going to look like. He took off his pants and he was going commando. Alpha was ready to begin. I gave him the nod. "Memory nanite volume sufficient." he said as he got himself erect. All of the PEA units cheered and clapped for him. This was the first boner that they have ever seen on a PEA unit. This was all great. Connie got on the floor. Alpha was pretty confident as he climbed on top of him.

Connie looked up at him. "I hope it works. It will not even feel good for me." he said. Alpha was angry. He ignored him as we had been doing. He rubbed his 6 and a half inch cock against the genital slit of the AEP unit. "Get on with it!" Connie said. "Initiating penetration." he announced to us. With that, Alpha thrust inside of Connie. He let out a kind of girly moan as he lost his virginity. He was trembling a bit. Connie could not feel anything from his genital slit. He was not given his own sexual upgrade after all. He was still very upset and uncomfortable. When he regained his composure, Alpha looked at us. He looked like he wanted permission to keep going. I nodded my head. He was still looking at me. "You can continue, Alpha." I said. He nodded and turned to face her and said "Attempting low tempo thrust rhythm." Connie sucked his teeth and looked away. He was gently stroking inside and out of the uninterested AEP unit. After 5 minutes of the gentle stroking in the AEP, Alpha grunted and gave us a long count down. "Memory nanite ejection in 20... 19... 18..." he started. We just waited for it.

When he got all the way down to 1, he thrust in deeper and came. He moaned very lewdly when he did. "Memory nanite ejection confirmed." Alpha said after a sigh. The gathered group of PEA units clapped and cheered as he pulled out. Pale green nanites were expelled from his body. "Major data leakage confirmed. AEP memory chip creation aborted." he said with a smirk. He was clearly not impressed with his performance. Alpha looked upset. I pat him on the back. "You did everything right. This is all a test run for the proof of concept. One day, you'll be able to have a partner that's part of the clan." I said to soothe him. He looked at me surprised. "I'm fine. Emotions run quick for PEA units. We have to work." I was learning more and more about them by the day. I just nodded and said "That's okay. I am human. Managing emotions is something that I do care about. Don't feel too bad if I try to comfort or encourage you sometimes." I then looked at everyone else. "The same goes for all of you guys." I told them. They looked unsure of how to respond. In any case, Beta and Peyton was up next.

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