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254. Final Tries

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246. Assassination

245. Missions

244. Our PEAs

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242. 1st Unit

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237. Challenge

236. Status Quo

235. Confederacy

Delta, Epsilon and Zeta

avatar on 2023-01-21 12:41:51

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Delta took Barbara's hand firmly as they moved up. It was their turn next. He climbed on top of the AEP unit and said "Memory nanite volume sufficient." as he had not been erect yet. He raised to his full 6 and a half inches. It no longer received cheers or applause from the crowd. "Initiating penetration. Attempting high impact thrust rhythm." he announced before thrusting in deep. He moaned and trembled, but he schooled his reaction. He was on a mission against the enemy he made up. Instead of the gentle stroking Alpha was doing, Delta was on top of her and thrusting in harder using his glutes to make sure his dick got deeper. When he got to the end of his 20 second countdown, Delta came deep inside the cyborg under him. A very powerful display. Barbara laid there for 19 seconds before giving the same message Connie did. When he dismounted the still AEP unit, she chuckled. "How long are we going to do this for!?" she asked. I did not take the bait. "We'll be the judge of that." I replied to her. It was about for her to leave anyway. There was no need to antagonize them here.

Now it was time for Epsilon and Ashley. He was the final critical success. "Initiating penetration." he said as he guided himself inside. Epsilon looked over at us before saying "Attempting moderate tempo thrust rhythm." He had went back to the stroking in and out of the AEP unit. With the increased frequency, however, our PEA unit was earnestly humping the patient Ashley. This did not work out too well for our Epsilon. Clearly, he wanted to do well here. It was not meant to be, however. He lost the rhythm multiple times and had to stop to find it again. Even the countdown was delayed and restated twice. When he had finally got it done, he looked upset. "Memory nanite ejection confirmed." he said, pulling out. It was clear he was not very confident with the result of his turn. I just pat him on the back and said "Great try. You'll get the hang of it next time." He just nodded, already over it. Ashley said "It was okay for a first time." When the nanites spilled out of her, it was much less than the others. "I got 72% of it encoded before the leakage occurred. Much better than the others." she said.

Ashley was a good sport. He helped her up and they both returned to the group. It was time for the final pairing. Sterling and Zeta went forward. Zeta really wanted this to work. Sterling was getting more than a bit bored from his facial expressions. It seemed like he was not expecting much. He was already erect when he climbed on top of the AEP unit. "Initiating penetration." he said as he thrust inside the AEP unit. he gave it a moment to get a feel of the situation. I really did not blame him, he was losing his virginity. Once he was ready, he said "Attempting moderate impact thrust rhythm." I nodded and he got to work. He was not thrusting his hips as hard as Delta, but anyone could see he was putting his back into it. Pretty deep. Zeta was able to keep it up for the full 5 minutes without issue. "Memory nanite ejection in 20... 19..." he counted down. It seemed it was better to adjust the impact of the thrusts rather than the tempo. It was their first time fucking after all. Nothing different happened this time. "Memory nanite ejection confirmed." Zeta said, like all before him. He then pulled out.

Sterling waited for 25 seconds. "Major data leakage confirmed. AEP memory chip creation aborted." he said, this time with a disappointed sigh. Some pale yellow nanites leaked out of him "Huh. That was pretty close too." he added after a second. This round had ended in complete failure. Not a single memory chip had been made. I just brought my hands together and said "This was a proof of concept. I am so proud of all of you here. You did your best and we got to see what it was like." They all looked really disappointed. This was supposed to be a really important milestone for them. I said "None of you had over a 50% chance in making the chip your first time. We will send you on more missions and you will get more chances." "But... we've waited all this time and we just got our foot in the door." Zeta said. Alpha said "None of the clan officers even looked at us until then. We only got to be in the clan because you wandered after finding about this function. I was lucky to be the first one you talked to. If I was not awake, I would not be here." Delta nodded. "Some of us had to fuck you." he said.

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