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19. On the Sea

18. The Victims 2

17. Stolen Clothes

16. The Victims

15. Scouting

14. Humanized

13. Full Moon

12. Two Roles

11. Feminization

10. Helping Jethro

9. Male Joel

8. Helping Joel

7. The Tribe

6. The Merman

5. The Cove

4. Observing

3. Dusty Cove


1. The Future of Gaming

Out on the Sea

avatar on 2023-01-23 10:58:56

110 hits, 7 views, 0 upvotes.

Age Anthro Part Swap Part Theft Super

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I asked what was up. "We owe you so much. You prevented us from becoming female by mating with us. You showed us how to walk on the surface. You even save the lives of 3 warriors." Jethro said. "All within a single day of us knowing you." Joel added. That was true. "Don't worry about it. It was fun and that's reward enough." I said to them. Joel shook his head. "No. We have all used our power to convert a human. We can't do it anymore. But we still want you to come with us to our tribe. There has to be a way for you to live with us." he said. Being an honorary member of their tribe seemed pretty cool. I nodded and said "If you'll have me. I guess I can see more about how you live." That seemed to make Jethro and Joel smile. I needed to get a boat so that I could sail on the ocean. I had to walk along the shoreline past the pier to where a dockyard was. I was able to use my starting cash to buy a mid-sized vessel. The game launching this week meant that there were several perks. One was that the starting cash was doubled. Once I got on board the ship, I was given a new tutorial.

This allowed me to figure out how to actually set sail. Since I was alone, I did not have a crew to help me. I had to do everything on my own. The mermen were with me and looking on as I worked, interested. As it was a fishing boat, it came stocked with both a large net and a crate for catching fish, crabs and the like. I used some of the excess cash to get a harpoon and a gun. It was a Glock with 3 magazines. That was it for the money. It was time to set sail. I got the mermen to get on the boat as we set sail. "Why? We can swim faster than you can sail?" Jeremy asked. "You'll have to stay on the boat until we get to open water. I don't think you want other humans to see that you are following me. Especially other fishermen." I explained. That made sense to them. It took some time, but we got out on the open waters. They told me where to go. I had to adjust the boats rudders accordingly. That also took some time to get used to. We began traveling for a day before they mermen got antsy. They all wanted to swim in the water. I shrugged and told them they could. They hurried to undress.

Jumping into the water, they all used their merman forms to go around the boat several times. I rolled my eyes as I killed the engine. They were in their element and I was going to relax for a bit. I wound up dozing off for a bit. I woke up to panicked calls for help. I jolted up and over to the side of the boat. "What's wrong!?" I yelled. "We have to go!" Jared said as he reached for my hand. I reached down and helped pull him up. Jared and I then pulled the others onto the boat. Just as I lifted Jude from the water, I saw someone else pop up. It was a red headed guy with really sharp teeth. "Give them back! They are my prey!" he demanded. I just blinked at him. "Who even are you!?" I asked. He sucked his teeth and said "It does not matter. You have my prey. You guys are all in my territory and I'm on the hunt. Those mermen are mine." he said. I left the side of the boat and he screamed "Come back here!" There mermen were terrified. I got the net ready and just tossed it over the side. This time, I heard multiple voices cry out. I looked to see others were caught in the net. I cranked the winch.

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