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3. Choose Your Underwear III

2. Would You Rather

1. You Are What You Wish

Choose Your Underwear III

on 2011-03-02 06:46:33

1865 hits, 97 views, 2 upvotes.

Animal Anthro FTP Magic Part Swap Size Super

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"Would your rather, as a man, always need to wear panties or a bra, because you have the matching equipment?"

Karyn burst out laughing while Jon contemplated his choice. Jon replied "Ill go with the bra." Immediately Jon felt straps over his shoulders, and a weight on his chest. When he looked down he saw it was clear he was wearing a bra, and why he was wearing it He had breasts under his shirt. "Alright Karyn its your turn."

"Jon you look hilarious. Fine give me the stack..." Karyn's card read "Would you rather..."

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