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22. Wanting Me

21. Old Kipler

20. Aiden's Story

19. Level Up

18. Encounter

17. Cam Work

16. House Call

15. New Contacts

14. The Fence

13. A Rumble

12. Kapik High

11. First Job

10. Same Boat

9. A Layer

8. My Stats

7. The Bros

6. Directions

5. My Looks

4. The World

3. Layer

New Desires

avatar on 2023-01-24 15:06:29

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Animal Inanimate MTF Size Super

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Looking at the old man, I smirked. "What will I be doing with a gun like that?" Old Kipler just smiled back. "Use it to protect yourself." I took it and put it in my inventory. All of my initial needs were being met. I could get some egg cash to live on. I was slowly but surely rising up in the criminal underground. Now that I could both deliver drugs and collect the funds, I hoped that I could get more jobs that took me out of the drug game soon. Maybe there were some other crimes I could get up to after this. I then left him and went back to the motel room. Aiden was still there. We got to hang out for a bit. I asked if he was going to go to school. He was about my age. He looked at me in surprise. The thought had not crossed his mind. "Do you think I can? I haven't been to school in a while." he asked me. I shrugged. "I just got here a few days ago myself. It seemed easy enough to me. I can go with you to the office." He said that he had to think about it. That was totally fine. We went back to hanging out. Aiden looked at me after an hour. We were in his room at the time. I looked at him and waited.

Aiden looked a bit unsure of himself. He said "We've been here for a bit." I nodded my head. "Do you want me to just leave or something!?" I asked with a playful smile. I was fine if he wanted to think about something or do any personal tasks that he had to do. It might be important for him. I did not need to sleep, but Aiden would at some point. I could go do something out in the city. "No." he said. "Then I will stay here for a bit longer." I told him. He just kept looking at me. I was not totally sure what he was getting at here. "Do you need to do something, Aiden? You keep looking at me like you want something from me." I asked him. He frowned. "Don't you!?" he said with an accusatory tone. I leaned back. "Not at the moment. I don't get what you want. Can you just tell me?" I told him. He got up and stood in front of me. "You're being really nice to me. I owe you a whole lot. Everyone that has ever been nice to me has wanted sex. I'm a layer, so it's not even that gay to fuck me. People are just attracted to us because of it." he said. "I don't want to fuck you. We're friends. That's it." I said firmly.

He narrowed his eyes. It was clear that he just did not believe me. "You think that I'm ugly?" he asked. He did not look hurt. Aiden was still a guy. I shook my head. "Then why?" he asked. I rolled my eyes at that bait. "C'mon. I know that you have friends that you don't want to have sex with too. It's like that. You were my friend that helped spot me at the gym. We are both male layers too. We can be friends without being fuckbuddies." Aiden seemed to be thinking it over. "That's... not too nice." he said after looking around the room. That response surprised me. "What do you mean by that?" I asked. He looked embarrassed and said "You've been so nice to me. I really think you're a great guy. So, I was thinking..." When he trailed off, I finally got what was going on here. Aiden was used to fucking people on a transactional basis. Even that creep in the gym had nearly unlimited access to his asshole when we was not carrying an egg inside him. Then I came along. I rescued him and set him up for success. I even told him that I believed in him. I was also nearby without judging him. He wanted me.

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