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3. Career placement: The next day

2. Career placement

1. You Are What You Wish

Career placement: The next day

avatar on 2016-01-04 21:08:54

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Author's note I really enjoyed the whole cheer career story and was disappointed when it had come to an end, so I thought that I would do a reboot on this whole storyline with my own twist. Feel free to add to it if you wish. PS I borrowed a bit from The_Guest's branch, I hope you don't mind.

The next day, Jon's mom dropped him off at the Career Assignment Center. He walked in and then signed in with the receptionist and was told to take a seat whilst waiting for the other candidates to arrive. Jon had been the first one to arrive and he had been told that there were 3 other people joining him today. He wondered who they were

The next person to arrive was Karyn, it wasn't much of a surprise to Jon as they always seemed to be doing things together. Karyn spotted Jon immediately and as soon as she signed in came over and sat sound next to him, she seemed rather excited.

"So Jon-boy, are you looking forward to seeing what career you'll be assigned?" She asked. "Errm, yeah I guess" Jon replied shrugging, "Oh come on Jon, this is exciting! You come in here and they tell you what you're going to do and then they help down that path. It's a guaranteed job for life." "Well when you put it that way Karyn, then yeah I guess I am" Jon said wondering if he should tell her about his wish.

Finally after about half an hour, the receptionist was just about to buzz through and ask if she should send Jon and Karyn through as it looked like the other 2 candidates weren't going to show when the door opened and in entered the next 2 people. "Oh great" Karyn groaned "look who it is" Jon looked up from the magazine that he had been reading to pass the time and groaned as well. Biff and Sarah were had just finished signing in and the receptionist buzzed through to announce that everyone was here.

They were immediately sent through to a conference room where an older man in a business suit was sat waiting for them. "Good morning" he said, he then motioned for them to sit down and then he handed each of them an envelope with their names on it.

"I'm Dr Phillips and I am the head of this Career Placement program. I'm excited that you 4 are the very first students to try this program." Dr Phillips explained. "First off, I'm going to explain how this program works and then you can open your letters which will tell you what placement you are going to have. After that you will each meet your new mentors. Remember, you are all guaranteed that you will come out of this program perfectly suited for that career, no matter what the job is."

He then went on to explain the days schedule; first there were some medical exams, then they would be introduced to their mentors and then they would spend the rest of the day with their mentors. They would arrange schedules with their mentor and then return to school the next day.

"So, without wasting any more time." Dr Phillips said "Please open your letters."

Jon, Karyn, Biff and Sarah proceeded to open their letters

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