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11. The first to succumb to the wi

10. Dinner with the family

9. It's Dad Again...

8. Slowly Sexualizing: Quick Call

7. The rest of his day

6. Another change in the family

5. What about Mom?

4. Downstairs

3. Slowly Sexualizing (II)

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

The first to succumb to the wish

on 2023-01-30 18:50:44

1362 hits, 207 views, 6 upvotes.

Animal MC Musc NBM Omni Super Unaware

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After the affair that was Dinner, Jon made his way upstairs. Part of him was annoyed with himself for making the wish that would last a year, but it was too late to turn back. The entire town would be women by the end of the month, if not sooner based on what was happening with his dad Mark. Jon wasn't completely sure if he had become a woman yet, but it was highly likely.

Mark had gone from being a 40 something old man to having the body of a model. Mark dressed like one too if his current appearance at dinner was anything to go by. The office lady look was a classic look as far he knew. Made even more appealing with how Mark was willing to flaunt what he had.

"I may not make it through the whole year. Tonight's dinner was awkward enough" Jon said to himself as he laid down on his bed.

A second later his phone buzzed with a text. Karyn had sent him a message that she was coming over tomorrow for a chat. She had gotten side tracked so she couldn't come over. So that at least explained why she wasn't here earlier. It was probably something important to her then Karyn wasn't normally busy from what he recalled.

His thoughts were interrupted when the door to his room was opened and his father Mark walked in. He shut the door behind him and locked the door. Jon looked over to see that he had a smile on his face. A look that said he was up to something.

"Hey Son. I need your help with something" Mark said.

"What is it dad?" Jon asked.

"I need you to help out. You see I have an itch that needs scratching. As a woman, I need the assistance of man. I also need to see if I have raised my son right" Mark said as he began to unbutton his shirt, revealing more of his fine breasts.

"Oh boy..." Jon thought.

Well if Mark wasn't a woman before now, she certainly was now. Jon had a very good idea of where this was going and he had no way out of this. Yet at the same time he didn't want to run away from the woman that used to be his father.

Mark took off her white button up shirt revealing her bra clad breasts to Jon. Jon took them in noting there was a bounce as they became free. It was nigh impossible to not watch such a sight. They looked perfect on that body.

"Like what you see Jon. I know I raised a son with good taste" Mark said in a sultry voice.

Jon didn't know what to say as his dad turned woman took off her tight pencil skirt revealing wide, pantyhose clad hips and long legs. There was no sight of manhood, but there was a flat space that seemed awfully inviting. A moment later that pantyhose was gone and Mark was dressed in just her bra and panties.

"So son, why don't we continue the lesson from earlier. Go ahead and reach around and unhook my bra. You are a man right?" Mark asked daringly.

Jon knew that there was no running here. The only path was forward. After this dare from Mark he had to push past bis hesitation. He had made this wish and should be reaping the rewards, even if they were cursed. Jon moved forward and pushed up against the magnificent chest possessed by Mark and reached around. He grabbed the back of the bra and pulled it together and apart to unlatch the hooks. Knowing that he had fallen into Marks trap.

"Good work son. Now go ahead and touch them. Prove your a man" Mark said, letting her bra fall to the floor.

Without thinking Jon put his hands on the magnifcent breasts that were displayed before him. Her body was practically on display to Jon. The worst part was that he was enjoying it. Jon knew this was wrong, but he didn't want to be right. He had wished for this perverted fantasy after all. On instinct he bagan to play with them, squeezing and fondling them.

"Looks like my big boy knows what he wants. Well why don't you take the next step" Mark said invitingly.

Jon got the gist of what she was saying. She wanted it bad. Jon being a young man continued to fall for Mark's seductive ways. He took off his pants and shirt. Then he took off those panties Mark was wearing and saw the sight of her womanhood. It was quite inviting.

"Come on Jon, I am waiting" Mark said impatiently.

What followed was Jon pinning Mark to the bed. Jon noted Mark looked more submissive this way. A look into her eyes said that she wanted this badly. Jon was all to happy to oblige as he rammed his manhood into her body. What followed was a long period of hip thrusting and playful manuvers until Jon got her to a point where she was screaming in pleasure.

"Jon... Jon... I'm... I'm..." Mark said as Jon released himself inside her.

A moment later Mark passed out on his bed. Jon took a moment to process what he had done. He had just been seduced by his former father who was now a total babe. Was it worth it? Maybe it was, He just hopped he didn't have to explain this to mom.

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