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3. Cheer Troop

2. Girl Scouts

1. You Are What You Wish

Cheer Troop

on 2011-09-01 05:12:07

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The letter read, "Congratulations, Jon! You have been approved as one of the members of the Girl Scout troop '325' known as the 'Spirited Cheerleaders'.

Jon was going to Continue reading when he got a Text from Karyn

"Did you get in?" was all it said

He responded, "yep, just got the letter"

"Sweet, when you get your Uniform, come on over."

As if on Cue, his Mother called up to him "Jon You got a package!"

Jon left the letter, deciding the rest was unnecessary, he took off downstairs, picked up the package and made his way to Karyn's house.

Jon got to Karyn's house and they went up to Karyn's room.

together they opened up the package, and examined it.

It didn't look like Jon expected, no white shirt and green pants to match the white blouse and green skirt the girls wore, instead is was what looked like a cheerleading costume, of all things! There was a pleated green skirt and matching green and white top, It had the Letters 'GS' in bold on the top, He assumed meant 'Girl Scouts', it even came with green and white PomPoms.

"What is this?!? I'm not wearing a cheerleader Uniform!"

"Jon? what's the problem? you've seen the uniform, I showed you mine when I got it."

"You... Did?" Jon thought for a moment, not wanting to reveal that this was because of a wish. "Well I thought I'd wear a Male version, and another thing, why a cheerleading costume, what happened to the simple blouse and skirt Girl Scouts used to wear?"

"You forget already? they told us all about this when we signed up to Join last week. Ever since they started accepting everyone, the girl scouts have have formed several internal groups, Princesses, Ballerinas, Cheerleaders, Brides and some others, I wanted to Join a Ballerina's troop, but the only nearby troop was 325 the 'Spirited Cheerleaders', so we joined them instead, You seemed fine with joining then, and you were perfectly aware of the uniform. now C'mon and get changed, we've got to get to school, and see who else joined our troop this year, you're probably just nervous about our first day, trust me after wearing it for a bit you'll be completely used to it

Jon had completely forgot, he'd woken up for school and made this wish, and with all the excitement totally forgot. now he was expected to go to school in this girl Scout Cheer Costume. Jon put his hand in his pocket, touching the stone.

But Karyn grabbed his arm, "hey no wishing out of this, the main reason I joined was that we'd do it together," she quickly reached into Jon's pocket and said "I wish Jon would put on his Uniform and wear it all day."

Shocked, all Jon could do was take the Outfit out of the wrapping and bring it to Karyn's bathroom, where he stripped off his clothes.

The Uniform even came with matching panties, Jon put on the panties and skirt and then the Top, unable to stop himself.

Next were the Green Ankle Socks and green and white trainers.

After putting it on, he found that if he tried to take it off his hands would lock up and refuse to do what he wanted, so he was stuck.

he went back to Karyn's room, she had already changed, and was wearing an identical Uniform as Jon's

"C'mon, I'm sorry that I forced you, but you were really exited up until today You'll love being a Girl Scout trust me, after school we've got a girl scout meeting and then we can sell some cookies if you're up for it."

she took Jon's hand and led him outside to wait for the bus to school

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