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3. Calling Karyn

2. Questions

1. You Are What You Wish

Testing the limits of the questions

on 2012-02-16 20:46:55

1626 hits, 90 views, 1 upvotes.

Age FTP Herm Inanimate MC MTF Magic Super Unaware

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Jon walked out the door, and called Karyn on his phone.

"Hi Jon," she answered.
"Hi Karyn," he said, "Where are you?""I'm at home, in my room," said Karyn.
"Isn't it true," said Jon, "that I'm there with you right now?"

Suddenly Jon was in Karyn's room, standing beside her bed. Karyn jumped and let out a small shriek, before she laughed in surprise.

Jon explained the wish he had made. "Good thinking, Jon! Do you think it could reverse the wish I made earlier?"

Jon thought, and said "Let's give it a try. Karyn, isn't it true that you don't have big boobs and blonde hair?"

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