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9. Seeing to her sister

8. The Blue Orbs Beckon

7. The Pink orbs

6. Might as well use them

5. Two of each color

4. orbs

3. Jon Wakes Up That Night

2. Switched Magical Items

1. You Are What You Wish


on 2012-06-09 00:04:09

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Striding down the corridor, her massive dick and gigantic tits preceding her, June made a few alterations.

History changed. Her younger sister Zoe became her twin. Genetically identical at conception, a freak incident turned June completely aware while still in the womb, and she emerged fully cognizant of her powers, while Zoe was a typical child. June kept her abilities hidden for years until she reached the age at which she would have begun puberty were she a mere human, at which point she allowed them to manifest and give her the body she now possessed.

In this new reality, the orbs, the wishing stone, and all other magical artifacts had become powerless. June was the embodiment of all power.

She was still close to her sister, and had been changing her slowly. She had made herself the ideal of beauty in the world, but as yet Zoe was the only other person who could approach that standard.


Zoe sat at her desk in her spacious room, doing homework. She didn't look up when a breeze suddenly sprang up; she knew it meant June had entered, or, rather, the head of June's cock.

Zoe was the envy of her school. All the boys, of course, envied her large, luscious breasts, her radiant face, her long, silky hair, her juicy pussy and her curvy figure. The girls envied her seven foot stature, her strong jaw, her well-muscled body, and of course her eighteen inch penis and large balls.

The breeze changed, and Zoe knew it meant June's breasts had begun to pass the doorway.

The lighting changed, but this was not unusual; it merely meant the room was rearranging itself to accommodate June's form. Zoe wriggled her naked body in her chair, settling her fully erect dick comfortably between her tits.

As usual, she found herself dropping her pencil and turning in her seat. This time June presented a nipple. Zoe obligingly latched on.

A fluid, unique in Zoe's experience, flowed into her mouth. As had happened every time before, she felt herself changing. The bulk on her chest increased, while the weight lessened as her muscles strengthened. Her hair went past the small of her back and tickled the top of her now-larger butt. Her waist cinched in slightly while her hips widened, and she could feel her vagina become deeper and her clit more prominent. Her cock twitched as it gained another two inches, and it felt pleasurably tight between her tits as it widened.

Normally the session would have gone for what seemed like hours, always culminating with June's dick, despite being longer than Zoe was tall, buried completely in the human's cunt, and filling it with gallons upon gallons of cum.

This time, as she released the nipple, Zoe was shocked to find herself shrinking, her breasts collapsing to almost nothing, her wondrous penis vanishing completely. Even more shocking was seeing June undergo the same transformation. Upon completion Zoe knew she was looking at a mirror of herself.

"Zoe," began her sister, "I... have a confession to make."

Zoe moved to sit next to her twin. "What about?"

"About your body. About what's been happening these last few years. About how it's all fake."

June was clearly choking back tears as she told Zoe the story of how she was once Jon, and Zoe his younger sister. How she had gained and lost the stone, and had it replaced by the orbs. How she had used the orbs, then through their power made it entirely her own. How she had altered history, the world and Zoe. How the all-powerful, immortal creator and ruler of the universe was sobbing uncontrollably into her sister's chest.

"June, June," said Zoe soothingly, "it's okay. Whoever gave you those orbs must have known this was a possibility. They wouldn't have been given to you if this were a bad outcome. You can do anything you want, now, anything whatsoever. Don't treat it like a bad thing. Embrace it. It's yours, so you might as well use it however you see fit." Zoe wasn't worried that this might turn her sister into a force of pure evil as Zoe currently understood the term. Who was she to discuss morality with someone who had existed before the universe and would exist after it was gone, who could change physical laws with a thought, who could simply declare what was good and what evil?

June's tears had stopped by then and the face she lifted to Zoe's was radiant. "You're right. I don't have to answer to anyone for what I do. But I love you, sister. What do you want?"

Zoe thought for a moment. "Well, I want that body of mine with its social position, and I want you to have your body." This time there was no sensation of change. One instant Zoe was in her small, normal body, and the next she felt a twenty inch dick nestled between large breasts. Next to her June had her old body also, the eight foot cock reaching almost to the ceiling.

"And two other things," said Zoe.

"Name them."

"I want a better body," and Zoe felt herself growing once more, topping out at eight and a half feet with a five foot dick and breasts covering her chest. "And I want some ability to change others."

June thought for an instant and then Zoe felt a foreign mental presence. "I won't give you the power directly, but I will open a mind link between us. Think about what you want done and if I agree, it'll happen."

"Oh, and one last thing. Can you make yourself bigger? Now that I'm eight foot six, it just doesn't feel right to be taking only eight feet of dick from you."

June laughed beautifully, Zoe bent over and June took her sister doggy-style with her new ten foot member on her new twelve foot body. Zoe felt herself growing as she and her twin reached orgasm, becoming nine feet tall with her dick a remarkable six feet long.

"And like me," said June, "you can go naked if you want, and have sex in public if you want. Nobody will mind; they just want to see that gorgeous form of yours."

Zoe laughed in her perfect contralto singing voice and returned to her homework as June left, time resuming where it had paused for the duration of June's stay.


June walked boldly out of Zoe's room in her improved form. She knew now that she had no need of a conscience: she defined morality, just as she defined everything else. She could do anything she wanted with no consequences whatsoever.

Knowing her preconceptions of things she could dictate were meaningless, she set about doing whatever she wanted.

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