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3. Family Home

2. Time Travel with a Twist

1. You Are What You Wish

Family Home

on 2012-02-04 18:09:21

1609 hits, 67 views, 0 upvotes.

FTP Herm Inanimate TF Unaware

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Six year old Brandon Carson was sitting in the living room watching cartoons when a strange booth suddenly materialized right in the middle of the room. "Wow what's this?" he asks as he gets up from the couch and looks at it. It resembles almost like a closet but with one door that slides open. There's a tv monitor and a panel attached to the side of it.

"Mom, something strange came into the living room!" he calls out as he keeps exploring it. He then decides to open the door to step inside of it. Once inside he sees a button that says "Start" 'I wonder if I should push it.' he thinks to himself.

Meanwhile, both of his parents walk into the room and see him standing inside the booth. "Brandon get out of there, what is that thing?" his mom asks.

Brandon just shrugs his shoulders as curiosity gets the better of him and he presses the button. There's a strange loud humming noise as he suddenly then vanishes in a flash of light.

Upon seeing this, something pops up on the panel off to the side and his parents notice that there is a date and location on it. "What does this mean?" his dad asks when he reads it aloud.

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