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3. my best friend.

2. Messing With Karyn

1. You Are What You Wish

Karyn's best friend.

on 2012-02-21 10:11:46

1190 hits, 53 views, 0 upvotes.

Age Anthro Aware Body Swap Inanimate Musc Myth SciFi Size Super

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Jon smiled to himself as he put the stone down. He had always wanted to know Karyn better, but there was always a little reserve kept back.

He then hid the stone on top of his wardrobe, out of harm's way.

Jon felt his stomach gurgle ominously, but ignored it and went over to his mirror. He preened and applied a dash of cologne. His hair looked longer, and his skin was smoother, with a perfect complexion. He combed his hair into order, and looked for his bag.

Jon's phone rang, he picked it up. "Karyn" was the name on the screen. He flipped it open, "Hi Karyn." his voice was high-pitched and trilled beautifully. He tried to clear his throat embarrassed at sounding like a girl on the phone.

"Hi BFF. Are you ready to face the weekend?" She asked her voice filled with excitement.

It was at this point that Jon caught his reflection in the mirror. He was shocked at what he saw.

His phone was now a metallic pink, and the posters behind him had changed from his classic 'Star Wars' poster, to a 'Twilight' one. He shuddered at the thought.

The most extreme changes were to Jon him..... herself, she was only 5' 6" tall, and that was in heels. Her face now was perfectly made up, despite being just being cleaned five minutes ago. Her face was a mask of innocence, delightfully girlish, and without the least trace of guile or intelligence. Her breasts were she estimated a C-cup, or would have been if she'd been wearing a bra. Her nipples poked obviously through her pink blouse telling the whole world how she was feeling.

A voice called from the phone "Joan, Joan, Joannie are you alright?"

Jon realised that being stunned into silence wasn't good during a phone call. "Yes, I'm alright, I was just a little distracted.... Trying to decide what to wear?" She hoped that sounded authentic.

"Okay.... I'll see you at the mall in ten minutes, and we can ogle some boys."
She made kissing noises, and hung up.

Jon continued to be hypnotised by his body in the mirror, noticing with shock the tattoos. 'Damn but she was a cutie' he thought to himself.

Joannie consoled herself, that it was time with Karyn, and even so it would only last 24 hours. She darted out the door, and headed to the mall, she would have to hurry to be there in ten minutes. However, she had barely left the house when she realised that going out bra-less wasn't a good idea. The cold autumn air teased her nipples relentlessly, but if she went back home she'd leave Karyn waiting at the mall.

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