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3. The Next Day at School

2. Karen become Kevin

1. You Are What You Wish

The Next Day at School

on 2012-08-11 10:58:13

2940 hits, 145 views, 0 upvotes.

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The next day at school Kevin barely talked to Jon. He hung out with the popular kids and even had a hot girlfriend. Jon didn't want to admit it, but he was really jealous and kind of annoyed that he didn't have the stone.

After school was over Kevin came up to Jon and said "I had no idea being a guy would be so great. I think I'm going to stay like this... at least until i think of anything better."

Jon asked "Did you make any other wishes?" Kevin said "Nah, why do you want to be a girl now?"

Jon looked annoyed and said "No! Why do you keep asking me that?" Kevin looked at him and said "Well... you've kind of been giving me this jealous look ever sense i changed into a guy, and I fireguard you wanted to explore the other side of the gender fence like me."

"I'm not jealous" of you Jon said annoyed. Kevin looked at him and knew hew as lying, but he figured he must just be embarrassed because he isn't used to being so open with another guy about stuff.

Kevin then said "Well me and my new girl friend are gonna go to the mall... There anything you want me to wish for you before i go?" Jon looked mad and said "No. I wan't you to just give me my stone back."

Kevin thought about it for a second, and...

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